Lots of personal insults for someone bitching about violating commenting guidelines. And once again, you still cannot offer anything beyond "expressing negative opinion about stuff i like is a no-no". Which is kinda hypocritical, given that negative opinion can be as valuable as a positive one (no matter level of sophistication in approach to expression - still, your's also isn't that advanced, so pot calling kettle). Then again, i always suspected you were a self important douche that keeps his head in some high horse ass, so no surprise that you label someone's disagreeing with you as "shitposting".
So once again, and for the final time, because that conversation turned out to be exacly what i initially suspected it will, if you want a safe space where everyone's in agreement with each other, there already is one and you can go there. Doesn't really matter what i think of it, it's inner diversity of thought, or about the level of discussion that's happening there (from a cognitive standpoint at least) - what matters is that everyone's riding on the same kink or fetish, so there's hardly any room for conflict (unless occasional drifter comes along). If you don't want to do that, then accept the possibility of friction happening.
And, in line with what's directly above, if you really think i did violate commenting guidelines, then please, do report it. I don't really consider expressing regret over time wasted on reading something that turned out to be garbage any sort of violation, but then again, for someone with your ego that might be incomprehensible.
And on a final note, not that anyone will care in the raging primordial abyss of diverging preferences and standards that is yuridom, i don't shit on every thing that i don't like. Just on stuff that i find offensive, bad, lazy or, for the lack of better word, artificial. Mochi au Lait's works are embodiment of those last two things. You can go several ways about fulfilling you targeted audience expectations - she took the trimming path and erased every little thing that could make your usual yuri fag rage. Whether that was conscious or unconscious decision doesn't really matter, what matters is the end product. Which in almost every instance turns out to be a masturbatory piece without an inch of substance. I don't care about the characters, because they're nothing more than sketches that do not go over their initial premise. I don't care about the plot, because there's none. The comedy aspect is a joke (sic) and there's not a drop of drama to spice things up. It cannot even be considered (idealized) slice of life, because good slice of life depends on character growth (without regard how miniscule it may turn out to be), or presenting some sort of change in the environment or interpersonal dynamics that goes beyond "we're a couple now", or maybe presenting something uncommon in realistic manner, or at the very least on revealing something about a thing otherwise ordinary, that you didn't knew or realize before.
Hence the word "masturbatory" i used. And i still don't like her. Her comics annoy me in the same way, that for example "Ao Haru Ride" did.