I do agree that the polite thing to do is to put out feelers.14 days is sufficient to declare that a group has lost priority on a work they're translating? in what universe? Even if their releases of chapters 2-4 set about a two weeks per installment pace, but jumping a group that's not dead, not declared to have dropped the series, and not MIA for at least a month is pretty much pouncing on the corpse while it's still warm. the other poster says 3 months and I can see that though it might be worth at least putting feelers out to the group before then to see what's happening. It'd take no effort to hit their discord server, ask what's going on and see, if nothing else, perhaps it's possible to do a collab release or take some neglected work off their hands.
I do get it, scanlation is an illegal pirate wasteland and the idea that there enforceable rules and mores is pretty foolish. but for as much as scanlators try to frame themselves as noble outlaws bringing people entertainment they couldn't otherwise obtain for some kind of vague greater good (debatable, but let's just go with it) there should be at least some level of observed decency. Which includes the idea of not just poaching the work of another group that's doing a good job at a pace that's not all that ridiculous. Besides, if you're so desperate to spread joy or whatever by scanlating stuff, surely there are dozens of works out there that have actually been abandoned or back-burnered to crazy degrees that are more agreeable to pick up. Unless it's not about finding holes to fill and is just about trying to swipe popular things to get more attention in some sort of desperate clout-chasing.
In this universe 14 days usually means an author/tl has gone on an indefinite hiatus that is most likely not going to end, pseudo-statistically speaking (my stats are obviously biased by only considering the Set of stuff I read). Which is why I pulled that specific number out my ass.
I also agree about how there's ton of other options that are even more dead that could have been revived. And that ideally they could bring stuff up to date with raws by hop-scotching in a collab.
Though if I didn't allude to it clearly enough before, this group is not very ethical (the only thing I would defend them on is the charge of sniping - not the one of being bad humans) or good at translating. To the point where their quality is such that if they did hop-scotch with another group I would be more inclined to drop the series entirely (due to lacking quality), than not.
Sorry, what? 3 months is not "almost" a year. It's literally 25% of a year.
The way humans experience time is very odd, anything beyond what we can remember is sorta equivalent. So while the fraction is "only" a full quarter, the fact that you can't remember any details and any memories past that are only a messy unchronological soup means that to our subjective sense of time it's pretty much a year. And more importantly, from a "hobby project" perspective, if you haven't touched it in 3 months you are just as (un)likely to return to it as if you hadn't touched it in a year.last i check, 1 quarter of a year is less that half, so not almost