Yuusha-sama no Osananajimi to Iu Settei no Make Heroine ni Tensei shita no de, Chougoushi ni Job Change Shimasu - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

Jan 22, 2018
I second the idea of a different font. The one that's there now just feels stiff and I don't think it does well. I know nothing about the different fonts out there though so I'll refer back to what DrDuckling said as they seem to know more than I do.
Active member
Apr 22, 2019
I feel so bad for Luka. He has no idea why Laura is avoiding him. The potential of what he would become in the game- is just that. The present him hasn't done anything wrong to warrant such treatment. I hope Luca and Laura get together eventually. He does cherish her a lot. Maybe she can help him as an alchemist in the future? idk
Apr 30, 2019
well, i myself am not fluent in english but
- page 3 : "well tomorrow ill talk to your master too" is it their parents bubble text or laura's? cus its look like laura bubble but the text is like what her parents say
- page 7 : "laura's mom?" and the text beside it also confuse me
- page 11 : "luca want to stay here in this village" i think "must is more suitable than "want"

Im sorry if i just make it more confusing:( cus i still learning english too
Active member
Aug 9, 2018
This advanced information love problem actually makes some contextual sense because she's being consistent. Self-sacrifice for the world and willing to look past is bittersweet, but it's better than the alternative.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019
Uh.. is page 21 really the end?? That's an awfully awful place to end a chapter.. lol XD

Anyway.. reading this, now I'm 100% sure there is SOMETHING that made Lucas forgot Laura.. and of it's the typical shoujo reincarnation, then the "Heroine" is definitely the cause. Lol
Apr 16, 2019
I would be disappointed if Laura doesn't end up with the hero. This is all about being different and all that. What would be more different than the game? The "losing love interest" winning this time.
Group Leader
Apr 14, 2020
@Kade_BSG There's a lot, but if I have to pick just from this chapter alone without checking the raw from first couple of pages:

Page 3 (in MD):

"Oh, I'll support...." 'Oh' in english is used to signal realization or surprise, I'm assuming it's 'aa'/'ee'/'un'/ in Japanese? Probably better to translate this as 'okay' or 'sure'
"..I'll talk to your master..." Laura saying it, she is obviously talking about her own master.
"...normal to do..." expected makes for better phrasing.

Page 7:

"...I asked you not to say anything." should be 'her'.
"It's true..." should be "so it's true..."
"Laura's mum" I don't know what it should be, but this is weird and most likely mis-TL'd.

Page 8:

"It is troublesome to ask Lucas about this." Again, I have no idea what it should be... but most likely mis-TL.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
I need more info on future him. Like why did he leave such an adorable girl who loved him for who he is? HUH?!?!?! Also from his childhood behavior it was clear HE LOVES HER (may be not romantically but love none the less). How the hell did he just... Ignore her after he became the hero?!?!?
Many thanks
Apr 14, 2019
How is she the "selfish" one for wanting to be an alchemist and leave the town like she actually, genuinely, likes alchemy. (Yeah its unfair for lucas cuz like sudden friendship ended, but she's not selfish for wanting to leave town)
Apr 7, 2020
She's generally been doing things well except for when it comes to Lucas. Her obvious neglect can definitely hurt a child, especially if she's their supposed childhood friend. How old is she again? Her actions make me think she's about 16-18.

As always, isekai mcs tend to focus more on the game knowledge they have rather than what's in front of them. I hope she learns to avoid that soon!
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 23, 2020

- page 3
I interpreted it as being her father's bubble, the content is about them talking it over with "granny", though looking it over now I agree that the source fits better if it is Laura's bubble so have changed the content of the bubble and accompanying text (I'm bad at differentiating the "your" and "my" translations)

- page 7 : "laura's mom?" and the text beside it also confuse me
the windows are a flashback to earlier in the day when Laura's mother told Luca that Laura would be leaving when she turned 14, "Laura okaasan" doesn't really translate too well, since English kids don't address their friends parents like that, but it is Luca being shocked at what she is saying, so I have changed it to "What?! No Way..."

- page 11 : "luca want to stay here in this village" i think "must is more suitable than "want"
I have changed it to "has to" to align with the previous page

Thank you for the feedback
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
That's so sad if the boi will be controlled by "original game plot". But i ship Laura x Mercedes so whatever.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 23, 2020

I chose "Oh" because of the context, imagine the lead in being Laura saying "I don't suppose you'll let me try to take the Royal Compounder Exam will you" I still personally prefer it that way so have left it

The "your master" vs "my master", I have adjusted the bubble and associated comment in response to a couple of comments about it

I still prefer the word "expected" over "normal" because of the "filial duty" element common in most of the Manga I have read, but I have reworded the text a bit

"even though I asked you not to say anything" this is Laura talking to herself (not to Luca) so either 'you' or 'her' should be fine

"it's true" vs "so it's true" yeah this makes more sense if Laura is being silent/unresponsive (as per usual) and it's Luca saying it

"Laura's mum" : the original is literally "Laura caa-san", this is Luca kind of mentally questioning/exclaiming when Laura's mother told him about Laura leaving so I have changed it to an exclamation that works in English since English kids don't address friends parents that way, I suppose I could have gone with "Mrs Ampere" but I think that would have caused just as many questions

"It is troublesome to ask Lucas about this." Laura is attempting to express that she finds it difficult to talk to Luca about her future since right now everyone in the village (probably including Luca) expects the two of them to have a quiet village life together to the end of their days, whereas she knows that his "Brave" powers will cause him to leave her, which caused the in-game luca to grow apart from the in-game Laura. I have changed it to "It is hard to talk to Lucas about my future" and added detail on the following page to make some of what the author left as implicit into an explicit statement.

Thank you for the detailed feedback
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 11, 2020
She could just tell him the truth that she felt her freedom and individuality are being shackled to him by everyone else's expectations. Why did she say she was "scared of his eyes"?
Feb 26, 2019
Pretty dickish and hypocritical of her to do the exact same thing to the guy then.
She shackled him with a future duty without giving a shit about his feelings.

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