Zenbu Kimi no Sei - Vol. 7 Ch. 37 - Case.37

Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2023
This manga has such amazing representation for queer people. and not just that but the love between ryo and nagisa feels so genuine. with every interaction between the two of them you can just feel how much they really love one another. especially on ryos end. He could of just accepted what nagisa said and gone back to being male and them being female but he doesn't want that if it comes at the cost of nagisa having to compromise on who they are and what they truly want.

Their love isn't only genuine but it's so so so sweet and I love it. This series has practically solidified itself as a 10/10 for me.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2019
This gotta be the best gender bender manga I've ever read. I am sad that it's ending soon and I hope that everything gets resolved well
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Something tells me Ryou will ask to stay a girl while let Nagasa still change at will, honestly, ideal is let both of them change at will.

I highly doubt they'll end as same sex, and since God basically said they should choose I think het is most likely, because even when the manga is ultra queer, Japan  still enforces heteronormativeness one way or another.

I know Japanese writers enough to already expect shitty ending :angery:
Aggregator gang
Apr 12, 2024
Something tells me Ryou will ask to stay a girl while let Nagasa still change at will, honestly, ideal is let both of them change at will.

I highly doubt they'll end as same sex, and since God basically said they should choose I think het is most likely, because even when the manga is ultra queer, Japan  still enforces heteronormativeness one way or another.

I know Japanese writers enough to already expect shitty ending :angery:
it isn't shitty writing even if it ends up that way. Even if they normally do that and people don't like it. Even if it was more accepting society, some people do particularly like that stuff while others don't. I am not saying it is bad, just people have preferences as well. There are a ton of japanese writing on the other way as well, and vice versa... Even if it is typical, does not mean it will happen. I just happen to like "heteronormativeness" the most to me, but understand and accept the other as well. It is what I personally prefer in both real relationships and stories, not saying others have to go with it. regardless of the ending of this manga, there are other non-hetero relationships in this manga as well that are GREAT representations, not only with this swaps. Regardless of how it ends and what they do end up being it will be a good ending. I JUST HOPE it isn't a copout ending XD

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