Zense wa Kentei. Konjou Kuzu Ouji - Ch. 41.2 - [Farewell] Part 2

Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2023
man i agree I dont rlly like this princess. Is it reasonable? Yes, but I just don't resonate with the attempts to characterise her, despite knowing what the author is going for. Hit or miss, I guess.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Iirc Sensei is hinted to have power to go back in time, probably this is alternate timeline sensei that emerged from timey wimey stuff cause it's soo cool sonuvabitch :finnawoke:
It was rewind not leap so he shouldn't have time clones

Plus trash prince called him the one person he doesn't want to see, the opposite if sensei
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Can you spoil us what the difference?
if memories serves
  • Elena doesn't use the pill in the LN she gets an awkward lecture by shizuki and they return
  • The betrayal is more subtle too the dude doesn't attack he just "fail" to follow the other two and shizuki figures out why
  • Ice burial isn't the one to initiate the delay shizuki is actively trying to leave the battle and ice burial tells him he'll allow it if they go for a rematch the next day
  • During the battle Tiara doesn't get her sword back she destroys the hero purely with her skill and hand to hand combat,
  • The way the head maid learn about Tiara is because her opponent has no respect for fighters custom so she just launch a preventive strike at him, without the pre battle chant, which makes the head maid's dragon come out and ask what is she
  • Head maid and tiara heads back right away the ruins doesn't activate after the "hero" is killed by tiara either

    Also we don't learn about shizuki having tiara's sword until a bit after

    in the end the general plot stays the same but the events are from slightly to heavily different
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
She sees what the meds did and that they were the root cause of the mess that killed her family > AIGHT LET'S SWALLOW THE THING!
That's not even the stupid part. She saw all that, yet kept the drug with her like it's a memento. Normally a person would have thrown it away or gave it to someone of authority LIKE HER SISTER as evidence.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
you know at this point i want her to die. she's become beyond annoying with her "woe is me" nonsense.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
holy shit she did not hesitate on that kill. Grabbed his head and sliced it clean off
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
Ah... Drama... with more contrived Drama as dessert. Goodie.
Only positive thing about this is that it's 7-8 chapters worth of Flashback compressed into one chapter. Author/Editor missed a beat there...

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