Oh, yeah, I didn't even think to ask in the forum for this😅
And tbh I haven't really looked at it (the forums) much other than like the update or issues sections, rarely, and all but forgot it even had the tl'more topical' discussion sections too. Anyway, yeah, that'd probably be quicker to, thanks, I probably wouldn't have thought about doing it any time soon. 😂
And even if I had thought about it, I probably would have expected the discussion section of the series itself would be preferred for such a specific question... 🤔
Huh, just realized I think I'm still somewhat hesitant to start a new thread due to some overly ban-happy forums/mods from my past.
I'm not 'in a hurry' to know atm, but if I don't find out after a little while (in here or seeing what I can gather myself from my extremely limited moonrune knowledge or machine translation) I'll start a thread there to ask directly.
Thanks again mate🍻