Zom 100 ~100 Things I Want to do Before I Become a Zombie~ - Vol. 5 Ch. 16 - Hometown of the Dead 2

Active member
Nov 10, 2019
I don't understand why the didn't burn the zombies with gasoline like they did before though, and to think that no one would patrol around the perimeter when they're basically surrounded by zombies...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
It's a bit ironic when the "villain" is a bit less insane than the protagonist.

Like, Akira is straight up just mentally insane, while the antagonist is at least just psychopathic (but not necessarily insane). One might even argue his destruction is just kindness by putting humanity out of their misery rather than leaving them to slowly rot away in eternal fear of zombies.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
i don't like this arc/chapter, these new "evil" characters are turning the story into shit, it was completely unneeded.

"forced drama" is the correct word, and also their plan "magically" works to perfection there's NO ONE guarding those critical infrastructure spots,
Dex-chan lover
May 6, 2019
All that happiness was a huge death flag, as big as a stadium
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@Eliminateur The only magic was that they got to this town to begin with.
Nobody's guarding the vital spots because nobody (except risk lady, but she's currently in a strange mood) considers the typical zombie movie lesson "the real threat is other humans". Instead everyone in the village (except the nasty neets) are cooperating and assuming everyone wants to live on to another winter. So having guards would be a waste of manpower when there's "real work" to be done.
Basically, if the village had the society where they'd figure out they might need guards, they'd also have had something to make the neets pull their weight already. Instead the neets had time to slack around, build up more disconnection with society, and also make up a perfect plan. (So incidental guards like "that guy who likes stargazing and only goes to bed at midnight" can also have been planned for, making their initial success pretty straightforward.)

That aside, I don't particularly like them or how they kept their mindset past an apocalypse, but this manga is all about killing everything the MC comes near, so it shouldn't be a surprise. Hopefully they can salvage something through some quick thinking. They've been pretty cunning so far in taking out large groups of zoms.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
@Simpleton but it's not guarding against "attacks", it's guarding because that shody infra needs tending to, guarding against mechanical failures.
Also even if everyone is "kumba-ya" you wouldn't leave that Z-tunnel unattended, you'd need to have constant guard on it just in case something happens like a leaking Z or anything or the sort, it just seems very dumb how everyone is happy-go-lucky in the village like ignoring everything that happens outside.

letsee how this continues, yes i agree the manga is pretty dumb at killing/destroying almost everything the MC comes into contact with
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019
Are they really really really gonna do that..?

Even in a dysfunctional society with so much risks involved, and having been brought to by a very dangerous pandemic.
No one would be as insane nor sadistic enough to unleash havoc on one of the only peaceful things on a world in a state of disarray.

It's just all too convenient to have some chaotic evil character in this situation, there's not even any hatred aside from discontent in society, being a mentally deranged sociopath with seemingly similarly edgy mentally deranged friends and being in a to-do-before-death-list.

So far everything else was moderately realistic and comedic enough.
The boss, although such an asshole of a character, was able to actually function as a member of society, a lawful evil at the very least.

Now they're pushing boundaries, also very convenient that in this sort of situation, not a single person is guarding the tunnel.. normally, it should be VERY important, even to the extent of being a NECESSITY to have a group of locals on-guard with that tunnel and plugging it in much more than it is to ensure a 100% isolation.

Would still read, but this would just bring down the entertainment of being one of the only few takes on something so chaotic into an interesting comedy with twists of what-do's in this sort of situation onto becoming walking dead or other generic zombie drama situation.

Tho, if they turn this around into some sort of revolution to generic evil into a comedic uptake to actual success of having a peaceful community and proceeding onto the journey to the 100 list, then I'll be very much delighted as a reader, even with the drama of the father turning out to be infected and would probably sacrifice himself for the better of the village. (sounds cliche to have one 'sacrifice' himself for a cause, but well, if you know you're gonna die, and that you're absolutely gonna die with no return; then it'll feel much better dying doing something even the least bit helpful rather than being a complete utter asshole because of your hatred of any social interaction in the world)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
@Winchan @KobeisGOAT exactly my point, you have critical infrastructure in a precarious state, you don't just stay happy-go-lucky you man those stations around the clock, not because4 of "human attack" but to guard against malfunctions and in the case of the tunnel to alert if any zombie leaks through or if there are humans that need help(just like out main gang)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Never underestimate human spite.
Remember that some people will happily watch the world burn.

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