I know I am neither the first one to mention this, nor am I unaware that this is a series with a very much supernatural main plot element, but the 246 kilometer run still is incredibly stupid.
I am honestly not even sure why this is where I draw the line, but eh. It's not like we haven't seen them do and survive things that a human just couldn't before, but in those cases the impossibility of those feats was never the actual focus of the scene. Maybe that's it.
Wonder what consequences one would have to deal with, even if one were to achieve a feat such as this without any training (or even just a pre-run warm-up).
Rhabdomyolysis feels like a given. Possibly permanent damage to several joints and tendons? You'd be sick for days one way or another, and probably be mostly unable to move for a while.
Well, I guess it's just another moment along the lines of Kencho crashing falling over on a motorcycle at full speed, without any protective gear, not even a helmet, and suffering almost no damage (and getting to keep all of his skin in an intact state).