I'm amused that the beach shot did both cracked skin cracks, and yet shiny-smooth-skin highlights. Make up yer mind, artist!
...Also I would like to add to the editor's rant that CPR, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, should really only be used if the heart is stopped, not if breathing is stopped (moving blood around in place of the non-working heart is the point of the pulses you do on the patient's chest, which, incidentally, if done with correct strength, will break ribs sometimes, it really is not the most romantic procedure, and it's utterly exhausting to do and usually the heart doesn't start working again until the ambulance arrives with the adrenaline and defibrillators or whatever (if at all) and you're just trying to keep some oxygen going through the veins until then).
I don't honestly remember exactly what you do if people just stop breathing (my last layperson's CPR training was, what, twelve years ago XD) but it's not CPR, and involves stuff kind of like what Editor-san said (minus the CPR). Or at least used to :'p