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Idgaf about environmental impact I hope mosquito can just all extinct.

Can't scientist make some bioweapon on lab? Virus or bacteries that only kill mosquito
They're already trying to. Killing mosquitos don't have any environemental impact, they're just useless parasites and should be killed since they carry dangerous diseases. Problem : it's not easy. There is a wikipédia page named "Mosquito Control" which explain everything. To sum up the options : poisoning them, reducing stranding water they reproduce on, introducing their predators, virus, genetically modified mosquitoes, and so on. Yes, even the virus option is already done.
damn it, they too strong

on my place natural predatore such gecko are a lot but they simply out numbered by these bastards
Do you all want b-day cake
if i had a nickel for every time i scanlated a manga chapter about poppy playtime, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice
In preparation for me staying at my grandma's farm house for the weekend with a broken, non-working phone, I have learned to use the forums on my nintendo switch, in fact, I am typing this on it right now. wow. this feels like how it felt to mod minecraft for the first time as a kid
I dont get why some people consdier showering to be a bother and a chore, smelling nice is so goooood like how do I smell this nice im literally all just skin and bone all over
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