Sensitive Boy - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Individual Feelings

Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2020
I hope they die, i genuinely hope the bitch and her friends get isekai trucked without the isekai bit. Jesus fuck the victim blaming is insane and its crazy that people hand wave this shit away cuz the victim is a man. I want to bash their faces in with a hammer. Such blatant lies and misdirection as well. What an awful bitch. Like i agree that people with trauma shouldn't use said trauma as an excuse to treat people poorly but thats not even close to what happened. Not even close

This is gonna have me in a funk for the rest of the day i bet. Fucks sake
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Jesus Christ the way you people push all the blame on Tsubasa while conveniently forgetting that they are both still in highschool! Was Tsubasa wrong for thinking she could take the burden the burden of Kaede's past? Yes. Was Kaede wrong thinking Tsubasa could take the burden of his past? Also yes! The fact is that the both of them rushed things so much there was no way both of them could have made the right decision, because they didn't know each other enough yet. A rape isn't something you just abord with anyone. Everyone has their own burden. When you came to read this series, you had the warning about the sexual violence theming, while Tsubasa didn't know the first thing about sex yet due to her upbringing.
Tsubasa thought she could help support Kaede and she was wrong. And it is not anyone's fault.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2020
I think Tsubasa's friend is cute but no way in hell did Kaede force his situation/feelings on her. It was that old classmate who told Tsubasa to watch out for him when HE'S the victim. All of the situation would have been avoided if that old classmate minded her own business.
The old classmate does not know the whole truth, all she knows is that something troublesome happened around Kaede and there were nasty rumors about him, so Tsubasa should exercise caution. Pretty reasonable thing to warn your firend about, if you ask me
Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
Yeah Twintail is kinda right. Seto was trauma dumping for no reason


Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2019
Jesus Christ the way you people push all the blame on Tsubasa while conveniently forgetting that they are both still in highschool! Was Tsubasa wrong for thinking she could take the burden the burden of Kaede's past? Yes. Was Kaede wrong thinking Tsubasa could take the burden of his past? Also yes! The fact is that the both of them rushed things so much there was no way both of them could have made the right decision, because they didn't know each other enough yet. A rape isn't something you just abord with anyone. Everyone has their own burden. When you came to read this series, you had the warning about the sexual violence theming, while Tsubasa didn't know the first thing about sex yet due to her upbringing.
Tsubasa thought she could help support Kaede and she was wrong. And it is not anyone's fault.

What was he supposed to do, tell her no? And then if she starts feeling that he's hiding something from her and fallout occurs anyway, what then?

Regardless, the problem people are having here is that she kept quiet about what actually happened. She ASKED to hear it. It didn't just fall into her lap like her ignorant friend thinks it did.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
What was he supposed to do, tell her no? And then if she starts feeling that he's hiding something from her and fallout occurs anyway, what then?

Regardless, the problem people are having here is that she kept quiet about what actually happened. She ASKED to hear it. It didn't just fall into her lap like her ignorant friend thinks it did.
There. was. no. good. answer.
That's my point! There was no good answer. The both of them rushed their relationship trying to fix what they perceived as flaws in themselves like the teenagers they are and it failed! The both of them acted like teenagers thinking they are ready to take on the world when they were not. And there is no one to blame.
Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
Was Tsubasa wrong for thinking she could take the burden the burden of Kaede's past? Yes. Was Kaede wrong thinking Tsubasa could take the burden of his past? Also yes!
Despite being in highschool, both of them had already acknowledged this and cried together. But then she went one step further and said somethings that extremely insensitive.
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2023
Yeah, this played out about how I expected... And it sounds like I'll stay away from reddit on this one, hypocrisy and misandry aren't really my cup of tea, and I suspect it's rife with it if they're defending Tsubasa... In any sense other than her immaturity putting her at fault, both for pushing for answers, and blaming the victim.

As ever, thank you for scanlating.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 30, 2023
I hope it's just a misunderstanding. I want my boy to be in a happy relationship and don't have trust issues. I got a feeling that coffee shop onee has a dark side of her that we've yet to see and once again put our boy in a traumatic situation. It also doesn't help the fact that that girl is naive to think she can fully grasp the gravity of his situation. As I can see, nobody is willing to come forward to clear things up; that Girl isn't sure if she can accept him and Boy distanced himself from her because of stigma.
Aggregator gang
Jul 16, 2023
I think the cafe woman is kinda hot for some reason 😳
Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
Tsubasa and her friend are so goddamn wrong wtf. "Seto-kun is the one who forced his trauma onto her and hurt her." What the fuck are people like me with PTSD supposed to do when we get into a relationship? Suffer in silence for every single triggering thing someone does? Having to just sit there and hope nothing bad happens, never being able to limit the amount of triggers that we experience in a relationship? Hm?????
After having tried helping others with trauma, and hearing about others experience, this manga is super real. And there's not much recourse for people suffering cause most people are insensitive.
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2019
There. was. no. good. answer.
That's my point! There was no good answer. The both of them rushed their relationship trying to fix what they perceived as flaws in themselves like the teenagers they are and it failed! The both of them acted like teenagers thinking they are ready to take on the world when they were not. And there is no one to blame.
Like I said before, regardless of that, there is no defense for her keeping quiet when she was being falsely defended as if she didn't willingly attempt to take it on. She is to blame for that.
Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
The old classmate does not know the whole truth, all she knows is that something troublesome happened around Kaede and there were nasty rumors about him, so Tsubasa should exercise caution. Pretty reasonable thing to warn your firend about, if you ask me
Tsubasa listened to her advice and asked for what happened exactly. She listened and understood, and they cried together. Then her mind got flooded with terrible thoughts and instead of taking the time to process them, she started victim blaming.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
We have an entire chapter of her friends, both the gyaru and the twintailed one pushing her to go and try to dig stuff on his past

And then they try to push the blame on him, for trauma dumping

Bitch please!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
i get that kaede should've been a little more careful telling his past but all of this was tsubasa's fault anyway lol, chose to be wary of the rumors, wanted to hear his past, and then tried to downplay his trauma when she couldn't handle simply thinking about his past
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2021
I hate these girls so goddamn much. Kaede was raped and they have the fucking audacity to say he was the one at fault?? When he was the one who opened up first and actually felt comfortable enough to tell his mentally damaging trauma to her because he trusted her. WHAT THE FUCK AND THE OTHER GIRL SAYS ITS HIS FAULT????

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