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  • I remember one time on YouTube I got like, -154 score on a comment asking for the name of the song.
    It was MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This", btw.
    -154? You can see negatives on YouTube? How do you see that?
    Back then when it was like, 2012? Cuz I commented that on a GMod animation video.
    Also back then, when the video was buffering, you could press the directional keys and play snake on the video player. It was that era.
    Ah, the best era. I do miss playing the snake game over videos. :aquadrink:

    YouTube has really taken away a lot of features over the years.
    I keep coming back to Ben 10 Opening song and The Batman season 3 Opening. Maybe them songs are just that catchy...
    Do you guys go to the gym?
    No I mean you can just exercises by yourself like running, push up, or biking. No need gym for that
    well, true. but me, i need some additional help, cuz i can't do a single pull up yet, so i need the lat pulldown machine to help me achieve my goal.
    also, i need to train most of my muscle cuz it's gotta be embarrassing when you're old and super weak and frail
    Well that's true, out of shape is embarrassing
    woy... setan sialan... beraninya lu ngegoda gweh... anjing! dah tobrut, jahat lagi!!
    rasain! ilmu rahasia indonesia, JURUS POMPA HAMIL! hamil, tobrut jahat!!! HAMIL GAK!!!!

    setan bajingan... jadi mandul gua....

    (What the fuck is this asshat talking about?)
    Look, dumb shit is one thing. But I wonder if I can get away with saying degenerate shit on profile posts.
    • Funny
    Reactions: Devourer
    Really only one way to find out... :meguusmug:
    Don't goes to far Here it's pretty strict. If you get banned less people here and kind of lonely

    Btw what longest time people can be banned?
    Aside from perma-bans, I don't think I've seen anything longer than a month.
    Artist of MangaDex Forums: Do you do warm up exercises before drawing? I'm trying to get back to drawing and I've heard one or two drawing warm ups. Like do you draw boxes? Do you do line exercises, et cetera?
    Thought this was about stretching kind of exercise.
    I'm not really for line exercises or all that boring stuff but I guess there are people who do that?
    If I really have to, usually I just do super quick sketches of whatever that comes to mind/whatever I'm listening to (I play livestream in background for noise) to prepare my mind or something, since there are days where I don't want to draw but I have to draw

    not really because i just draw whenever the fuck i want [and the teachers dont like it] sketches are good tho!! lil skribbles
    Where do you guys usually get your images from when posting images on Forum? I got mine from my private discord server (specifically, I post images on the spam channel, get the link and then use the "Insert Image" feature here).
    Who's your favorite protagonist?
    Kamijou Touma, dood has seen has fair share of battles on both magical and science side and still comes out smiling all the same.
    I think Kite holds the title for Best Protag. Dude's wanted to save Orca, play and chill so he saved the World.

    Also, Data Drain is an underrated superpower concept (Thank you bnan for introducing me to this series ❤️)
    One thing about reading new manga frequently is that I get anger issues because of the shitty bitch ass so-called "heroes", or how the protag is humiliated.
    So I was doing my business at the toilet, right? Enjoying my time and all. When I was done and press the flush button... A spider popped up and got flushed along... I immediately grabbed a big bucket of water and flushed it down my toilet...
    This is the second time this has happened... The first one was a medium sized gecko 😨
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