The resolution is.. a bit unsatisfying in my opinion. I mean all those story, incidents, and past events that has been builded up really all crumbling down with a bad resolution. I feel like nothing got resolved, that's probably why it didn't feel good lmao. Anyway the middle part is pretty...
Dude she only has like 2 years left to live, is it that hard to give her what she wanted? In many ways you could've reacted to this, you chose to be selfish lmao.
But instead of the mc reacting dumbfounded i wish she would've addresed her situation saying things like "for someone who only has...
I'm not even mad that these took 2 months to translate since one chapter consist of what other mangas would usually take them 3-5 chapters. And for chapter with 70 pages long with such a high quality translation all around that is a hella fast speed. Damn you guys are killing it. Keep up the...
"The next day,his arm had the same pattern as mine.... Drawn on it."
I Lost It 🤣
And is that a 'reincarnated into a villainess -character' ??
Now that's interesting. Can't wait for tarou and the vilainess to interact :D
But nonetheless i shall patiently await for the next chapter.