When the Villainess Is in Love - Ch. 6

Sep 21, 2018
I hate the emperor so much. He's selfish af and just doesn't want to think badly of himself after realizing how trash he was as a father. Classic, "I'm doing this for her" "I'm trying to make it up to her" when it's only for his self-satisfaction.

I might just be relating a little too much. This chapter made me cry.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 30, 2019
Oh my, the emperor is so selfish. He is not letting her leave becuase of hjs own selfishness lol. He wants to feel better about himself. He wants to reflect for neglecting her?lol
Jun 13, 2020
Idc even if the emperor himself realises he is terrible because honestly I dont think he realises the extent of how selfish he is.It literally took the princess to be on the verge of death for the emperor to realise' 'oh I've been such a shit father' and even then he isnt good because he is still keeping her in the palace for 1 extra year knowing the palace was a painful place for her and she just wanted to leave.He doesnt want her to leave with only bad memories? Like too late and if you had actually respected her you would let her live her last two years freely instead of being selfish to make yourself feel good that you did one good thing before she died when you didnt.No matter what at this point the emperor is just a trash person.
Aggregator gang
Sep 5, 2019
This bitch. You only realize it now? Just give her her freedom!! She only has 2 years to live (as far as he knows), and you’re making her stay in that prison for half of her remaining lifespan? The actual motherfucking fuck?? He doesn’t actually love her. He just wants to relieve his guilt with comforting himself by saying he’s “protecting” her.
Jun 13, 2020
@Weeb4ever in a way I think its karma to the emperor that he loved his son so much and he,the son,turned out to become a messed up possessive person and all round crazy ass guy just shows how this emperors love for his son messed him up and how this was the result
Jul 30, 2018
i dunno how to feel about the emperor bc he is being selfish by wanting to leave good memories now that he knows MC supposedly doesn't have that much time left and he's been a awful father to her, but at least he DOES know that's what's happening and acknowledges the situation for what it is, which is more than i can say for other shit fathers from other stories
it sucks mayor ass that he was such a shit father for princess libertia, but i still want him to try to redeem himself in some way so im like :///////////
Jul 12, 2019
I'm not sure how to feel about this, in a way I'm happy the emperor admits his wrongdoing and is trying to make it up to it. I believe in second chances and the emperor, from this chapter so far, seems to understand he is wrong and trying to redeem himself.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
I'm glad he at least realized he's a POS . How is keeping her trapped in a place he knows has been torture for her safer than just quietly letting her go live somewhere noone would know about. Even if her family does have enemies who's going to tell them the princess has left if you just keep quiet about it and lie. Say she's not coming out anymore or she's secluded herself in the castle. He also knows she's supposed to be in terrible pain and he still wants her to act as a princess for a year, he's the wost
Apr 24, 2020
I felt so sad reading I legit cried. Like wow he only realizes now that neglecting his daughter is why she kept her feelings under wraps and became the villainess she is ? What the hell did he expect.
Jul 14, 2020
bro i legit sobbed reading this. when the emperor finally realized how his daughter felt all these years that sht hurt. he's still a bad father for neglecting her but at least he realized what he did wrong. still wont forgive him tho
Fed-Kun's army
May 4, 2020
i know this chapter was to show how the father does kinda care but god it made me hate him even more 🤣😅
Group Leader
Aug 25, 2020
I can't feel sorry for the emperor. Did he only notice that his daughter existed when he found out she was dying?
He said right, you failed as the princess' father. 🤔

Thanks for the chapter! 😍
Mar 30, 2019
so it was pity after all, but sry mate, u had your chance and u wasted it; the real deal is long gone... and all due to selfishness
Jun 2, 2019
What’s so hard about empathizing? Was it so bad to even think about how your actions could affect someone? I mean, he’s a king for goodness sakes. Thinking how your actions can affect the country is your daily struggle, you’ve thought hard how expressionless your daughter is and you couldn’t empathize with her?! Human error and all, but fvck you man... 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Aug 20, 2019
Dude she only has like 2 years left to live, is it that hard to give her what she wanted? In many ways you could've reacted to this, you chose to be selfish lmao.

But instead of the mc reacting dumbfounded i wish she would've addresed her situation saying things like "for someone who only has 2 years left to live, isn't it to cruel to make her live half of her remaining life in a place she wanted to leave the most?" That would've been so cool.
But it's for the sake of the plot, so i really can't complain much can i?

Overall an okay chapter i guess 💩
Sep 20, 2018
So... after spending most of her life barely acknowledging her existence, suddenly you're filled with regret. And rather than fulfilling your terminally ill daughter's request, you force her to remain for half of her 2 remaining pain filled years just to sooth your guilty conscience.

Emperor, not only are you a dreadful father, you're complete trash as a human being.

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