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  • Was this a terrible financial decision? Probably! But I did it. Maybe next year in another existential crisis I'll get another volume.

    None of my family knows I'm a weeb, so I gotta keep this as hidden as possible lol
    👏 fake👏book👏covers👏
    Never did get into this series, but the art always made me stop and take a second look when it showed up somewhere.
    you don't need to wait a year for another existential crisis

    your brain's already cooking up one right this second
    RIP 177013 and thousands of other nukes on the off-brand manga site. The world will never be the same...
    • Drink
    Reactions: BakedBanana
    Can I mute this thread cause I don't need more manga to fuck me up
    Nah stay, it'll be fun

    We gonna ride on this dark and depression train together. After that we gonna realize how fortunate our lives are
    @Basic_human It's a pretty small list of 16, ranging from "well, that was weird" to "God is dead, and we have killed him." I may have saved Mii in the Box if it was on n; I've only saved codes.
    I just watched the new anime A Sign of Affection and god is it so refreshing to see an anime which actually knows the meaning of "show don't tell". It's not once ever explicitly stated by anyone, yet it's obvious from the way that the MC interacts with people that she's mute and deaf. Even the title has some well-done wordplay going on; two traits that you almost never in a fantasy anime anymore. I don't know why I'm so overjoyed by it but now I'm really looking forward to the rest of the anime.
    I finally got Undertale because it was on sale. Apart from it being a really good game, it's nice finally knowing where so many references I encountered originated.
    My brain has turned to mush. I've started work on a project where I'll combine a simple menu, pathfinding, and unit movement into a little game. Unfortunately, I don't use my brain much so with the increased scope of this project I genuinely don't know where to start. I'm too tired to want to recode that menu a second time (I'm 90% sure I'm doing it horribly inefficiently). I might need to eat more fatty fish or something.
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    Reactions: BakedBanana
    Here's a little 16x16 pixil art sprite of one of the items that'll be in the game. Hopefully it's obvious what it's supposed to be.

    (As a side note, this works remarkably well as an emoji. Is that something that people do?)
    Looks like bread to me.
    Also, yes some people do that as emojis. lol
    Though, good luck on your project! (Hope you don't suffer much from recoding.)
    Whelp, I've since made two games. One was for a school project so I'd probably dox myself if I posted it. The other is less a game and more a test project to help me figure out menus so it's pretty visually bland. And boy is my code convoluted.
    If I made a game, would people be willing to play it?
    What kind of game would it be?
    A more war focused version of Achikaps. Basically, a war simulator with it's main thing being that the nations are completely fluid and the economy and battles are completely visible. It'll be incredibly difficult, mostly because I'm a shit programmer. But I came across something called Game Maker Studio, and once I figure it out I might have a go at this game
    Dang, doesn't seem like my kind of game, but I wish you luck on your development!
    Whelp I've left the Philippines. Pretty neat experience, seeing a country whose mall culture isn't dying due to car centrism and taking the tricycles around. While I wait for the connecting flight to take me home, I'll be checking out Los Angeles for a few short hours.
    Manila kinda feels like America Lite. A somewhat similar culture though definitely shabbier. One of the roads had a massive hole in its middle with almost no fencing. There's also a fuck ton of motorcycles and bicycles, with private vans I think are called 'jeeps' and motorcycles with carts acting as minibuses. All in all, pretty cool.
    Welp, I'm in Japan now. As I expected, it's not how I expected it. Maybe it's because I haven't left the airport \:)-/)/. By tomorrow I'll probably be in the Philippians, isekais avoided
    I'm sojourning to a certain East Asian country tomorrow, visiting our favorite island nation while on the way. Let's hope I don't catch some disease or get involved in an accident during it
    Be careful of those
    giant radioactive
    Amen brother. Or sister.
    Why not, it's your best chance of getting isekai'd.
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