Rentarou ignoring Nano is a slap on the wrist, a punch to the gut, and a stab on the back while getting doused with scalding hot water. What did we do to deserve this.
For the people that don't really care for Nano, this is explicit proof of how much she has matured (while admittedly toning down her quirks, which is a bit unfortunate.
Also the fact that Rentarou can fight a god but the acts of a girlfriend from another timeline actually trip him up some oddly enough shows his love even then. Oddly poetic.
Oh wow we're adding time travel now!!?? Hope the story will conclude next chapter because seeing her sad like that really hurts. That Nano certainly never met Rentarou because there is nothing that will stop his love for his girlfriends and he'll bend reality if he has to ensure their happiness. Thanks for the translations.
Originally, we just had Nano Eiai. Now comes Eiai NANOMACHINES, SON!
“There's no saving this world -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down! And from the ashes, a new world will be born. Evolved, but untamed!”
The cruelest part about this is that next week is Nano's birthday. And Nakamura is putting the manga on hiatus, during this cliffhanger, instead of giving her closure.