Absolutely love the Death devil

It stands to reason that the sister of Control, Famine and War would also be a cute, vaguely teenaged girl with a difficult personality, and having her arrive suddenly without fanfare is perfect for the personification of death.
I wouldn't put it past Fujimoto to introduce a Chainsawman Devil, and it kind of fits the canon: a Devil's power scales with the amount of fear humanity has for its namesake, and all of the recent events have increased fear of Chainsaw
man, not necessarily chainsaws in general. That said, I feel like the odds are better that this is the actual Fire Devil (which hasn't been shown directly yet) or the bonafide Justice Devil. Fakesawman's off-putting-yet-earnest speech could suggest this isn't Denji, unless this is part of some new cockamamie scheme...and Pochita has never spoken as Black Chainsawman before, so I don't think it's him either. Personally I hope it's none of the above, Fujimoto's curveballs are my food