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    I'm not even sure where to go next. Back to searching fmhy and reddit I guess...
    • meguuusad
    Reactions: solstice258
    On closer examination, it seems this is a global thing. End of an era, I suppose o7
    i can dm you a couple that still work if you want!
    >New computer
    >Tries to install uBuntu
    >"Wi-Fi adapter not detected"
    >Hour later, nothing works
    >"Fuck it"

    Guess I'll deal with Windows 11 spyware
    • Wow
    Reactions: athayanezant
    Install windows 10 and use debloater tool. Nobody is forcing you to use spyware. Well... except for microsoft.
    @Leffty I forgot debloaters existed! I just ran a Windows 11 debloater and hoped that works. Can't be bothered to try to switch back to 10 lol
    Fair enough, I'll probably stick to windows 10 myself for as long as possible, can't be arsed to use that goofy android tablet looking ass windows myself, that's why I recommended you to use windows 10. But hey, if debloater tool works good on windows 11, then that's good enough. Good luck :)
    • Like
    Reactions: TGN
    Have I mentioned cloudhiker before? I do recommend the site. Going from a site about a random carnivorous invertebrate phylum, to a web horror game, to a city walker, to a blog post about heated water bottles is so fun honestly. I also came across which was the last straw to get me to start learning Japanese. Overall, great website, just wish it weren't so easy to lose a website by clicking too fast
    I did it. After many years and on my third attempt, I have finally caught up with RWBY! Final impressions: decent series, though I did pick it up at the end of volume six so I skipped the worst parts. And even though its quality wasn't there a lot, and had some very questionable writing, it still holds a special place in my heart for some reason I can't actually explain lol.
    Same opinion here : RWBY is very flawed but it has some charm and it's fun to watch. The serie did change a lots with time, both in good and bad ways, mostly bad. I fell like everything after the end of season 3, with the whole Salem/Maiden/gods/reincarnation stuff, was good on paper but the execution was very bad. Also, the 9th season was absolute garbage.
    I wonder if the serie will continue now it's Wiz's property.
    And I've checked : i've watched the 7th season while it was airing after catching up the whole serie, it was more than 5 years ago, i fell even more old than i am.
    I dunno shit about the series but I do love this meme back then
    Jfc I'm this close to having a mental breakdown and watching anime and seeing a happy, healthy couple develop isn't helping. Two people getting together and being genuinely happy as I slouch on my couch watching a pixelated screen as I sit there getting fatter by the day...

    I need to work out more
    I wonder how old everyone thinks I am. Or, really, what everyone imagines when they think of me
    what everyone imagines when they think of me
    When I glance at your profile and comments I imagine that you have good taste in magical girls.
    Your 45, final answer
    @Blocky_Mudkip I'm younger than that, but I'm not doxxing myself any further lol
    Did Mangadex always use Keycloak or has it just been that long since I've opened my account settings?
    Shortly after the fall of Kissmanga, I wandered into this site. And, four years ago to the day, I finally created this account. Honestly, not much has happened in my life during that time. Sure there was a global pandemic, the largest European war since WWII, a mob attack on my state's capitol, but potato potato
    Heard of during the refugee crisis and finally decided to check it out. Old friendship ended with r/piracy. New friendship established with freemediaheckyeah
    If I got another volume of HnK, which one should I get? Volume 2 to pick up where I left off or volume 12 for the epicness?
    What do you guys conceptualize the dumb reaction as? I've always saw it more as the horny bat than anything else
    Reading “Okaeri, Papa” hurt my very soul Jesus fucking Christ. I need to find the sweetest SOL or something to cleanse my palette from whatever the fuck I just read
    • Drink
    Reactions: Blocky_Mudkip
    Is Sugar Meets Girl sweet enough? Or maybe Chotto Ippai with more dishes? Surely Okaeri Papa is both badly scanlated and written, even I that enjoy some wincest dropped that series pretty quickly.
    It got a good one? Well, at least it can be read that way. Besides those two, back in the day Amaama to Inazuma was pretty popular, without yuri but for all publics. Akebi-chan is also a must read and much more, it depends on what you want to find besides being SoL.
    I've been trying to shrink my plan-to-read list, so I've been reading a lot of yuri manga lately. Much sweet, much sugar, much holy shit they just killed a child
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