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  • is it normal to feel randomly in the day that nothing matters?

    Are you a CSM fan?
    Guess what?
    Me too!
    I like it because it's very different from a traditional shonen, being more "serious" but at the time it doesn't go into seinen territory where everything is serious and sad
    and all the characters, specially denji, are so unique and different from the archtypes in other shows
    also, all the girls are cute
    Me too
    Chainsaw man brushes extremely lightly on dark topics, that it's almost impossible to know it's there.
    And of course there's our very flawed yet loveable denji, not only to mention he's a borderline misandrist, which is a very rare trope in shonen. And ofcourse, the very diverse set of characters we have. Even if their screentime was low, there were a ton of awesome characters.( beam, quanxi and her girlfriends and how can we forget tendo)
    how to find a place where I belong?
    • Drink
    Reactions: Chen.png
    What a deep question this early in the morning!
    Try to be gullible first for check if some people just ignoring you and make you feels like you're nothing, then it's not the place for ya. Try another place. But make sure you're having fun while doing that. Don't try to be the smart one, some people don't like it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ the point is, keep it pure as it is. Don't faking yourself. Good luck!!! 🤘🏻💕
    Just be yourself and the people will follow
    Is there such a thing as being too nice? can we be too nice? and if we can, is it a good thing or bad thing?
    Hmm. I don't think there's a thing such as being too nice. Though, Don't overwork yourself, and chase the idea of "pleasing other before me" too far that you neglect yourself, let yourself being used by others and be a servant to them. That's what I think, at least.
    Depend on circumstances
    You might heard this a lot but I'm telling you again anyway. People that overly nice can be manipulated easily. it's sad reality where no good deed goes unpunished is a proverb
    a big difference between being nice and letting people walk all over you
    Is there any romance with a medusa? I only find oneshots in compilations of monster girls romcoms
    is that a joke? on the home page, right now, popular new titles NO.4: 'I Bought a Medusa Slave'
    I didn't see it until now, thanks.
    Rust is so nice
    I use arch with hyprland now, but before I was using i3 with opensuse.
    Also, what's the main difference of nixOS from the other distros? I thought about trying it, but I don't see a big advantage(at least for me).
    The biggest advantage for me is this (my configuration.nix file)

    Everything is configured in a single config file which, to me, means I'll never have the feeling of my system being "bloated". Priorly, I'd reinstall my system or change distributions every now and then just because it "felt" like my system was becoming bloated and it bothered me.
    Now, I know exactly what packages are installed so I feel in control of my system.
    Not to mention my system practically can't break and can be reproduced to another computer if mine burns or something.
    I was tired of having to troubleshoot the same recurring bugs every time I installed a new distro or having to remember how to set up some things. Now I'm never going to reconfigure my computer from scratch. Learning nixOS was a pain in itself, though.
    Well, I do have my gripes with nixOS and things that really bother me (I miss the aur), but overall, the positives outweigh the negatives.
    I'm going to change my vim plugin manager because of a single plugin...
    I wish vim plugins were more like node, and have a single plugin/package manager that everyone uses
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