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  1. C

    Mou Furenai Kimi - Ch. 21.5

    I hope the extra effort I've put in makes the reading experience more pleasurable for everyone
  2. C

    I Won't Touch You Anymore

    So far this is the only series I can work on and not have people jump down my throat for everything they don't like about it.
  3. C

    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She’s Even Worse - Ch. 3

    Look if you want me to drop it then I'll just drop it and you or someone else can do the series.
  4. C

    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She’s Even Worse - Ch. 3

    Unfortunately the program I use doesn't allow me to do different text alignment. I'm trying to get someone else brought on to my group that can edit the text to be center aligned, but I don't have the ability to do so with what I'm using now. They've told me that they'll do the 2 pages from...
  5. C

    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse - Ch. 2

    Unfortunately the program I use doesn't allow for different text alignment. So unless I start pushing the entirety of the type setting work onto my redrawer I'm stuck with left aligned.
  6. C

    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse

    So far people don't seem to care for me doing this series so if push comes to shove I'll just simply drop it and let someone else pick it up.
  7. C

    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse - Ch. 2

    I just work on series I personally want to read that haven't been picked up or given any attention.
  8. C

    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She’s Even Worse - Ch. 3

    I've been very upfront on the first manga I worked on. I do exactly what you have described and usually I do editing and rewriting to attempting to make sure dialog flows correctly. If people don't like my attempts at a series I drop it as I mostly do this with series I have an interest in and...
  9. C

    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She’s Even Worse - Ch. 3

    Thanks for this input. I'll change the page and upload the correction.
  10. C

    Mou Furenai Kimi - Ch. 20

    Glad you liked it lol
  11. C

    Mou Furenai Kimi - Ch. 20

    I apologize for Page 3 looking strange. Something is occurring between my redrawer giving me the file and my uploading it here. Either the pages comes out smaller than the others or, like it currently is, it comes out as a lower quality image than the other pages. I'm attempting to remedy the...
  12. C

    Zom 100 ~100 Things I Want to do Before I Become a Zombie~ - Vol. 12 Ch. 45 - Steam Locomotive of the dead

    My guy you're a legend for uploading the missing chapters. I now finally am caught up with this series and it's like a weight off my mind.
  13. C

    I Won't Touch You Anymore - Ch. 19

    Honestly I'm trying to find another series to work on since I'm caught up on this one.
  14. C

    I Won't Touch You Anymore - Ch. 19

    First off I'd like to say thank you for everyone still reading and keeping up with the series. Recently the Mangaka/Artist said that he'd hit 5k downloads on Amazon Kindle which is really great! Keep supporting the original author by downloading the work especially since it's free. Now as far as...
  15. C

    Maria no Danzai - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - The Price Of Condemnation

    This series only being released monthly means it really fills you with antici... Tbc on October 6th.
  16. C

    Red Apple - Ch. 46

    Got dark surprisingly quick lol
  17. C

    Mou Furenai Kimi - Ch. 10.5

    That's my bad. While translating I thought it was text from the perspective of the Hairdresser and that he was saying Maru had a good heart not the manager. But now I can see that was incorrect.
  18. C

    Mou Furenai Kimi - Ch. 13.5

    Yeah unfortunately I can't read JP and the things I use to translate JP into text that I can then translate can't recognize that sloppy handwriting so we'll just have to wait and hope someone who actually can read it comes along one day. I apologize for my shortcomings.