Search results

  1. Piime

    Swing!! - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - New Meeting

    There's currently a poll going on to vote for which manga you'd like to see turned into an anime and Swing!! is one of the choices. Voting closes February 28th. Link: 1. Gender: 男性 is male, 女性 is female, その他 is other 2. Age: 9歳以下 is <9 years old...
  2. Piime

    Swing!! - Vol. 1 Ch. 6.5 - Sweets Party!

    This is the final part of the first volume. If you enjoyed this and want to support the author you can buy a digital copy here: Volume 2 will take longer to release because my winter break from university is over and I...
  3. Piime

    Swing!! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - First Meeting

    I've updated this chapter with higher quality pages, different fonts to improve legibility (Thanks @Quark) and some slight rewriting.
  4. Piime

    Swing!! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - First Meeting

    I've decided to pick this up. Chapter 2 will be coming in the next few days. Feedback, etc. can be left in the comments.
  5. Piime


    @Sylphon It's only these 5 chapters. Story continues in the anime.
  6. Piime

    Request for group takeover 2.0

    My Group: (ID:16525) My profile: (ID: 1992529) Proof:
  7. Piime


    I'm working on translating this but I'm busy so it'll be another week or two before it's finished.