Search results

  1. nameless_incognito

    The story of you, me, and her

    @akole obviously meant 'sexual violence yuri'. way to go autism powers.
  2. nameless_incognito

    Moral Alignment Test

    @imcrazy ...sorry, what? I think you've either meant 'lower' or 'overestimate'? @bestboy ...riiiight. Well, if you say so.
  3. nameless_incognito

    Moral Alignment Test

    This is a waste of digital space, most npcs are by default "true neutral". @bestboy lmao, do you ever let an opportunity to put yourself in 'superior' moral position (either directly by elevating yourself or indirectly by denigrating others) go? It starts looking more and more like you do...
  4. nameless_incognito

    Looking for femdom manga

    "Impossible, after all there aren't any aggregate weebo databases on the internet dot com". ...just check tags on this one and look up those which interest you. Or their combinations.
  5. nameless_incognito

    shitpost here

    thank you
  6. nameless_incognito

    shitpost here

    That loser is you: (wish I remembered who painted that so I could give credit - only things I can recall is that it's western and that it was part of a guy's graduation bachelor of arts portolio)
  7. nameless_incognito

    If It Rains Next Week

    Overtly melodramatic kuzu shit. Lmao.
  8. nameless_incognito

    The story of you, me, and her

    Do explain to me how "sexual violence" gets downvoted to infinity (even where there's none but the context of the act isn't explicitly stated), but the story with actual psycho protag and murder easily gets an above eight ratings? Because for the life of me I can't figure it out and the only...
  9. nameless_incognito

    Wan Mu

    >has trouble dealing with the consequences of her own actions just like a child would >'don't judge me!' >unironically uses 'kids' as an insult lmao, just shut it already and process shame in silence just like an adult should. also stop accusing others of your own shortcomings - you're the only...
  10. nameless_incognito

    Hottie of the Day

  11. nameless_incognito

    Wan Mu

    @thrembs Lmao, you're a joke. Just stop telling others how they should or shouldn't behave when you're less than perfect yourself, 'kay hun? Yeah, not gonna take it from you. You've failed to provide any examples of my "disastrous grammar" or "poor basic language skills", explicitly...
  12. nameless_incognito

    I Want to Eat Your Pancreas

    Your lack of taste and willingness to parade high neuroticism around are what's the real cringe here buddy. So insecure, so reactionary. To repeat though - this is lowest common denominator stuff. 'Manic pixie dream (ill) girl, the trope in ten acts'. Waste of time.
  13. nameless_incognito

    Really hard IQ test

    Bumping one last time for no other reason than chaos.
  14. nameless_incognito

    Wan Mu

    @Thrembs It is when social justice and - or parallel / related concepts are your religion. Heavily doubt that - took you too long to claim the victimhood 'achievement' - but it would explain your problems with being judged for acting poorly. That's a very convenient mindset wouldn't you say...
  15. nameless_incognito

    Succubus vs Lesbian

    "I'll make you gay" vol.15579098904757587438393939023404, yawn. Lesbian power fantasies are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking boring.
  16. nameless_incognito

    shitpost here

  17. nameless_incognito

    Hottie of the Day

    maybe. probably. quite likely.
  18. nameless_incognito

    Song of the day?

    Always liked how this intro subtly rips off Moffat's hit tv series.
  19. nameless_incognito

    Wan Mu

    @Thrembs Lmao, 'kay. I sincerely wish for this kind of thing to happen to you then - pious people deserve to have their convictions and beliefs tested. Otherwise they're just hypocrites trying to be relevant by riding current cultural climate. PS. "Check yourself before you wreck yourself"...