Pious? That’s not how that word is used.
It is when social justice and - or parallel / related concepts are your religion.
And yeah, I’ve been on both sides of this situation. It sucks, but it happens.
Heavily doubt that - took you too long to claim the victimhood 'achievement' - but it would explain your problems with being judged for acting poorly. That's a very convenient mindset wouldn't you say?
Seems you reap what you sow though.
that’s gibberish. That means nothing. I’m talking linguistically.
It's not, you just don't understand words. And no, you're not. Going by your track record here I wouldn't be surprised to find out you don't even know what "linguistically" means.
That’s technically a sentence but it resolves to no coherent meaning, in this or any other context.
On its own? Yah, maybe. When put in a specific paragraph - like I did - it totally does. I'll let you 'decipher' the meaning on your own since it isn't that hard.
The irony of you saying that to me is astounding.
Well, it's the opposite for me. Nothing about you or what you say is even remotely surprising - you fit a type to a tee.
I said “don’t judge people who are dealing with a traumatic experience and make a bad decision as a result”.
I absolutely will do that - actions don't happen in vacuum and have consequences. If you think your life resume entitles you to acting like a cunt and wasting other people time, you should (and more importantly, you will) be judged for that.
Respect is earned, not given freely.
If you think otherwise, you're just a child or an old baby.
You’re the one claiming moral superiority and not backing things up with experience.
Absolutely haven't 'claimed' anything of the sorts. Seriously, do words mean shit to you or you're just using them like magic spells vaguely hoping for an intended outcome? All I've said is that you should be held accountable for what you do.
(and lol, "backing things up with experience"? that's a very euphemistic way of framing your self-admitted ill personal conduct - so immature of you)
“Talking points”? You mean... things to talk about? Because that’s what a talking point is.
...you really don't care much about language, context, colloquial meaning or other similar stuff, do you?
Are you perhaps an aspie?
If not, be ashamed.
“Difficult phrases”? Well, considering the disaster your grammar and basic language skills are... pretty low bar.
Lmao, again with that passive aggressive attitude. Examples hun, gimme .
(and 'default' does not mean 'difficult' lol - your "basic language skills are...pretty low bar" ; also, you didn't finish that last sentence)