Host is in Russia, middle east, corrupt south eastern countries, poor former soviets like Kazakistan, China or even proxy jumping.
Not all manga aggregators are created equal.
Most browser users who run scriptblocking do so to block ransomeware, spyware, random XSS injection
malicious redirection and viruses. It's better for us idiots who don't program to simply not play.
You are 100% correct though. This was almost certainly avoidable if people...
This can not be explained as simply old fire fox screwing up.
I've found numerous comments that the newer versions are behaving the same or just failing in new ways.
Whatever you guys did yesterday is failing everywhere consistently on the newer browsers too.
Maindish, pg3...
Waterfox. Not helpful, I know.
Quite a few Chrome and android were
reported with the same problem now.
Pretty sure Chrome 88 is not an 'old' browser
Something strange is going on.
Well, let me record the date we found something wrong USA pacific time
7:00 ish PM
Damn, guess it's not a firefox only issue.
I'm not convinced it's an experimental API issue either.
I've never seen this behavior in a website reader before.
How about
Google tags?
Well, shit. The poll time limit function is broken then.
You're not supposed to be able to vote. But you need to vote to see
the poll results because it's not working.