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  1. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 66

    @Azariah Props to the author for going in this direction, something that I seldom see in the genre. Divergences pretty much always happen when you put two different people together, especially if they have their own heavy baggage. It would be the easiest if there are no divergences, but that's...
  2. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 66

    @Azariah It's simple, he is also in love with her. Remember his foreshadowing of "not being easy to sort feelings into black and white"? Just because he found out stuff about her doesn't mean that his previous affection will just vanish. Especially since he knows her fault is rather indirect.
  3. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 65

    @dragora86 Thanks, it's good to know I am not the only one, it always feels like people expect only a single thing from these types of stories ^_^ @sinarblood Yup, thought the same but there is only so much you can write in a single comment. There might be a point of view we didn't see...
  4. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 65

    Thank you, I missed this! 😍 Okay, so I am actually enjoying that the author is playing a bit with the tropes and not putting them in their default forms like most other stories of this type. Like Caidel not being like "Oh, you made a deal with a literal devil? Welp, I like you so it's fine!"...
  5. Leonhart93

    Don't Tell Me - Ch. 5

    Koreans and their drinking problem that is sooo deeply rooted in the "culture" now. There is virtually no korean webtoon that doesn't include it. I wish they would not push it so casually in the medium of webtoons at least....
  6. Leonhart93

    Last Menhealer - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - The Supernova At the End of Summer

    @Mahoushani Haha, yeah this is not NTR by any definition, but clearly looking at the comments it doesn't seem they care about any of that 😅 I guess It's impossible for them to stop self-inserting them as the protagonist aka "the protagonist should always be in the right" 😂 Shige is actually...
  7. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 63

    @ViviH I think Caidel getting dizzy is pure psychological stress. The cognitive dissonance of choosing between his mother and Ellen is tearing him apart and it didn't just start right now. I am fairly certain nothing is wrong with him physically, since that has never been the case so far. Also...
  8. Leonhart93

    May I Ask for One Final Thing? - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

    @riflow Very true, and a difference not-so-subtle that most comments somehow ignored? Someone that proclaims their love for you in 2 seconds after you puch them is seriously a red flag. What actual love and mutual respect can be between a punching-bag and his master? 😂Such a bad joke would such...
  9. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 62

    My take on what is happening currently: I feel the author is kinda playing us. I mean, if you want to foreshadow something you do it more...subtlety. Not like this, this is basically screaming "Caidel is hiding something shady" which makes me think the opposite is going to happen in order for it...
  10. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 62

    @Lost_in_breathing Lol, I did not expect this theory at all 😂 Someone that is psychopathic has no emotions, or maybe just the very negative ones in some cases. Therefore, they would not care to seek vengeance at all for other people around them. To give an approximate example, to them people are...
  11. Leonhart93

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 11

    @xyzabc Yeah Yeonju is a bit manipulative, but she is so in just a small fry way. That is because she is being manipulated by her boyfriend without realizing (or wanting to realize). A true manipulator realizes it instantly. That is why psychos/narcs/machiavellians hate each other.
  12. Leonhart93

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 12

    Hari is a very good person and beautiful from all the points of view you can think of. How can someone like romantically a person like Yeonju over her, especially since she is a complete mess with a psycho boyfriend to boot?
  13. Leonhart93

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 11

    Her negative expressions are pure gold 😄
  14. Leonhart93

    Last Menhealer - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Fellow Companion

    @NeroPR Yeah and it's actually quite refreshing. When no one is a good person you stop feeling bad for their circumstances and choices. Or maybe Shige is, which would make me feel bad for him since she is almost irredeemable and will sucker-punch him. But if she isn't I would like to see it 😂...
  15. Leonhart93

    Gatabutata - Ch. 37

    You know it's funny how easy you can ruin someone by just seeding a rumor. Sure, there is a risk that it gets found out and then it backlashes, but what if it doesn't? Since it's so easy and anyone with the necessary intent can do it, what you need to do in return is full-proof yourself with a...
  16. Leonhart93

    Last Menhealer - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Mare Moscoviense

    @Adness If I am to make a prediction, then "not good" is the answer. Simply because both he and the girl are a wreck. In such a shape that it's impossible to heal by themselves, at least not in a short time.
  17. Leonhart93

    Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 6 Ch. 50 - Questioning

    @ClinTEastwooD Actually the police seemed quite understanding, trying to see how things actually happened. If this was Murica, he would be in jail no questions asked. Truthfully, they are indeed close and don't have a sexual relationship. That part is not illegal. The kiss basically is the only...
  18. Leonhart93

    Tsui no Taimashi ―Ender Geisterー - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Cube

    @colxeric I think it's the opposite. You would say it's forced when they are blushy-blushy around each other for no reason. But their relationship is natural, and they don't think about romance at all as you can notice. At this rate, they may even remain friends but either way the air around...
  19. Leonhart93

    Kon'ya wa Tsuki ga Kirei desu ga, Toriaezu Shine - last - - Vol. 4 Ch. 15 - Inseparable

    Waahh, Hanazono is so kind and considerate~ It's not often that I get to see actual true love in a Shounen manga, but the way they care about each-other is something I only see every other year.
  20. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 61

    School in this situation? That's rough, I feel for you 😔. Thanks for the chapter as always btw! Regarding what happened, that is probably why Ellen wants to find a way to sleep forever, since she doesn't want to kill people in order to release her immortality. And Caidel.... I am sure he will...