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  1. Leonhart93

    Lady Evony - Vol. 2 Ch. 41

    @Lexina Them not ending up together would imply that each will end up with different persons respectively. You can't expect important persons in such a society to remain bachelors forever. And who would be more appropriate to each-other and understand them better? There is basically no one...
  2. Leonhart93

    Hokago wa Kissaten De - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - Sweet and Bitter

    @starartx @Guinn Being mean is not my intention here, but it's kind of comical for me that when a womanizer second male character appears and starts saying the same lines that he probably says to his whole lineup of girls, everyone starts being swooned instantly... 😑 I mean it's not like these...
  3. Leonhart93

    Last Menhealer - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Sign

    @NeroPR I do agree that his view of love is distorted probably because of that girl, but molested? 😮 That has a heavy negative connotation, which doesn't seem to be true at all in this case, considering the way he was smiling and blushing in her presence. Also, by how he said that he probably...
  4. Leonhart93

    Last Menhealer - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Sign

    @justforthelulz Yeah, nothing can compare to some good ol' bad momentum. I don't think he will be able to stop and take a step back at this point. It's quite funny, but he was much closer to her than the other guy. Well, not anymore it seems 😅 He might have lost her exactly because he was...
  5. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 59

    Her saying he likes him because is good looking and can't instantly think of any other reasons is simply hilarious 🤣🤣. It also makes me a bit sad since that implies that if Caidel wasn't as good looking there is a real possibility she would have friend-zoned him 😅. Her in-experience with human...
  6. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 58

    The small sequences where she is presenting her daily life are always the most adorable 😊😊 There are a few of those so far. @panicpizzazz Haha, of course he knows, he remembered those events quite well in the first chapters. And you might be onto something with that being the reason for his...
  7. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 60

    Congratualtions on catching up with the raws! At this point, half of this manhwa is translated by you alone 😊 Although this does make me a bit sad that now we won't get releases faster than weekly 😥 Now, allow me to give my 2 cents on the whole "memory erasing" plot device. Ellen has this...
  8. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 56

    Excellent work with the double release, it was good that you didn't leave us in a cliffhanger 😍 Not that the main villain has exited the scene, the main story line will be regarding to what Caidel is hiding. I will say it now since everyone thought of that possibility that Noah is...
  9. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 54

    @silkytea He's our protagonist and we always saw his point of view and the way he thinks and does things. I very much doubt that he hides his true personality 😂 The way I see it, what the author did is "implant" us the idea that he might be dangerous with just his expression in that last panel...
  10. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 54

    @sasarious_waifu Actually, I didn't label him as evil either. Evil is more along the lines of knowing how you should treat others and deliberately do the opposite. But in his case, yeah he would not be evil if it's his only existing worldview. However, I get the feeling he wasn't like that in...
  11. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 54

    @sasarious_waifu Well sure, then by what standards he should be judged or analyzed? Should we be more understanding since his moral compass is way off by 'nature' or should we ignore that and recognize him for a loose cannon that can do unspeakably crazy stuff with a smiling face? Get it? We can...
  12. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 54

    Thanks for the chapter, this does shed some more light on the strings attached to their relationship 😀 Regarding your chapter's rant at the end and how it's regrettable that Noah and Ellen had good moments in the past. This kind of scenario reminds me exactly how some people cannot leave toxic...
  13. Leonhart93

    Gatabutata - Ch. 34

    @Woopwoopwoopy There is not much needed to figure out what is going on. Even without knowing korean, you can probably guess that they won't date since she is very emotionally immature and extremely afraid of dating, which hasn't been addressed at all. Also you could argue that she does not...
  14. Leonhart93

    Gatabutata - Ch. 34

    @MamuraDaiki I think you didn't read the chapter properly. He asked if he did something wrong (not that he did anything like that) and she said it's 100% her problem. BUT then how is it that she is avoiding him if it's unrelated to him? And it's not like they are strangers. They are friends and...
  15. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 53

    @jhart3313 Oh, he knows perfectly, he just didn't reveal it to her. It was fairly simple for him, he knew he was around a woman with white hair back then, and she simply confirmed it for him by relating the same memories. She is the one that has no idea it seems. Also, that means he keeps the...
  16. Leonhart93

    Sen wa, Boku o Egaku - Vol. 4 Ch. 24 - Snowy day / Rupture

    @Ryo90 Nah, I am sure he's just trolling. He's not that kind of tragic old man character. 😂 @Ryrie I think that underlines how shallow the standard anime art is, if a haircut defines about 90% of the look of a character. 😅 I have seen types of art where their faces have many more details, but...
  17. Leonhart93

    Perfect Mine - Ch. 3

    Haha, everyone was expecting the worst from the ML but then we get this 😂. I am not saying he is exactly normal, but certainly he is not a psycho or socio, with that blushing. Not even a narc it seems. His weirdness is at about the same level as hers, and he likes her even after all of that. I...
  18. Leonhart93

    I Don't Want to Become Crown Princess! - Ch. 6

    @Kingdo He is manipulative and she doesn't make good decisions at all. I mean fucking a stranger to escape when the consequences could have been really bad (like deadly STD 😅). Now exactly because of that the consequences are 'kinda' bad. But you know what, I don't feel bad about her because...
  19. Leonhart93

    Tsui no Taimashi ―Ender Geisterー - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Steak (R)Evolution

    @DracoStyle I see, so then the raw versions I found on the net must have been censored afterwards.
  20. Leonhart93

    Tsui no Taimashi ―Ender Geisterー - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Steak (R)Evolution

    @Coldstar12 It's possible the translators added those in, since in all the raw versions I can find on the net it's censored 🤔