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  1. Leonhart93

    Dakishimete Tsuide ni Kiss mo - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @Ghmimi Yes, but also if he were to say that he wants to marry her after one date that would be shallow as hell. People break up even after years of dating since they figure it doesn't work out. A more in-between approach would be to suggest like 1 month of dating to know her better and then...
  2. Leonhart93

    Beware of Your Boyfriend - Ch. 7

    @jnguy2 Well I think we know enough so far to form an opinion. He is clearly deceiving her and was actually amazed that she fell for it. And the reason for that is most certainly not so that he can get close to her, since the scheme is too convoluted for that. Not to mention that he would have...
  3. Leonhart93

    It Is My First Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    @practicallyuseful Well, my intention was going on the same kind of parallel. So many similar things happened to me in high-school as well and I don't think there is a single one I wouldn't forgive, even the malicious ones. Well, maybe unless they are still the same now many years later. Since...
  4. Leonhart93

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 10

    I really like where this is going. He is not the picture-perfect male lead, but that's the best part since it's boring otherwise. And it's not like he is extremely flawed either. And she knows it all, it's not like he is deceiving her. So she still chooses to mingle with him since they have a...
  5. Leonhart93

    It Is My First Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    @Lucrecia What you forgot to mention is that he covered for her when she got found out by Gunwook who was the target of the letter. At the time, she went along with his lie since it was convenient for her, so there is that. And before you say she didn't have a choice there, the same thing...
  6. Leonhart93

    Onnanoko ga Daicha Dame desuka? - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The Staycation (1)

    @77BLc9JwJGpLVARkamJx That sh*t is fu*ked up because it's not based on the idea of mutual pleasure, but on pure dominance. I am sure that there are people out there that are into being on the receiving end of that, but that is no argument since there are always deviants and we should not use...
  7. Leonhart93

    It Is My First Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    @Lucrecia You are wrong by saying that if he were not beautiful no one would defend him. As a matter of fact I don't care one bit how he looks because I am a guy. Exactly that's why I am more impartial here, since normally I would not take his side given equal conditions. But that's just you...
  8. Leonhart93

    It Is My First Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    @Lucrecia @Oylesine Actually, that example is wrong because if we are to make it analogue to their situation it would be that he had the nude pics on his phone and didn't delete them, then someone else finds them and make them public. The difference is massive. This is important because he...
  9. Leonhart93

    It Is My First Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    @BZo1480 Imagine this: you ask someone for directions on the street and because of that they get hit by a car 1 minute later and die instantly. You are not even aware of it, you just carry on with your life. If you didn't held them to ask for directions, the car would have missed them. Does...
  10. Leonhart93

    It Is My First Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    @BZo1480 Oh please, he is guilt-tripped because of that but all he did was keep her letter, which sure was not okay but it's a matter on a level of a high-school prank. He was never malicious and always treated her well. Certainly he is not the direct cause for anything that has happened to her...
  11. Leonhart93

    It Is My First Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    Woahhh, it's like he's stepping on broken glass around her. Can't do much of anything with her, can't even reminisce about the past they share together because she would get triggered by it 🤔 He already likes her so he basically already lost, but clearly at this point he would have saved himself...
  12. Leonhart93

    A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 52

    Thanks for your hard work! ♥ I love that Caidel utmost priority was inquiring about her relationship with Noah and not her other circumstances 😁 And I absolutely love the Earl, the panel with her drawing her sword was really cool 😍. It's just my intuition but I think she is pretty untouchable, I...
  13. Leonhart93

    Hitman - Vol. 8 Ch. 70 - Kasuga-sensei’s Thoughts

    @2ND Necessary or not, apparently it is for him. And you can't say for another person how he should react to what exactly and when it's overreacting. Since all of us have different things we consider important. For example manga writing and designing a story is not that important to me, but for...
  14. Leonhart93

    Hitman - Vol. 8 Ch. 70 - Kasuga-sensei’s Thoughts

    @2ND Actually he doesn't trust editors at all, since he was betrayed by one in the past. Or maybe several times. And it was a blatant betrayal, not a harmless mistake. That guy really thought of him as a pushover. Seeing all of this, I understand completely why he acts like this. He is not...
  15. Leonhart93

    Q.E.D. iff - Vol. 11 Ch. 22 - The Drowning Bird

    Nice, this is the first manga I ever saw touching on the concept of AI. Love it 😍
  16. Leonhart93

    Last Menhealer - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - The Ghost of the 1st Science Room

    @NeroPR That's well said. If Shige is as nice as he seems and if our MC stays the way he is all the way, then I would actually be pissed at her if she maintains her status quo with him. And actually I would think she deserves all of her misery in that case... We'll see how things evolve. People...
  17. Leonhart93

    Gatabutata - Ch. 31

    Eunha unnie is is both cool and beautiful 😄. The earrings really fit her, but somehow it's a design element you don't see often. In fact she has it all together so well that paradoxically it's unlikely we will ever see her in a relationship.... @FredFriendly Unfortunately for him he is already...
  18. Leonhart93

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 69

    @Toszi It's because basically everyone has a sword of Damocles above their heads right now. And it's a contest of which ones will go first. @Everblaster Perhaps Dowun things that everyone is like him and they are incapable of wanting anything but power. If so, they will have to follow his...
  19. Leonhart93

    Four Years Apart - Ch. 57

    @Diossd No, those were tears of happiness and not because of stress. He is an emotional person. I know how he feels and I am probably not nearly as emotional as he is.
  20. Leonhart93

    Gatabutata - Ch. 30

    @kato20 Oh this WILL take a while. Remember the title of this and what it means? She will probably be in denial for a long while. @kami_chan Yeah, "finally" is the word 😂. Honestly who at ~20 years old would be so clueless about their own feelings that they get shocked when someone else makes...