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    Half - Ch. 22 - Pumpkin Carriage (3)

    Wait.... did they just openly talk about their feelings to make it through an emotionally difficult point? What heresy is this?!
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    Tatoe Todokanu Ito da to Shite mo - Vol. 7 Ch. 37

    Well, I’m glad I trusted my gut when the drama really got going and stopped reading until the end came out. All those chapters for zero payout... I can see why people are upset. Almost as bad as the bait and switch with the ’Budokan’ series.
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    Small Top and Tall Bottom - Oneshot

    Height gap yuri is totally under appreciated. This kinda reminds me of an awesome height gap couple by hiramedousa who, unfortunately, do not have a manga...
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    Pygmalion - Ch. 9

    @parksanddolls Good god, I hope not. There seems to be plenty of yuri manga that like to drown themselves in Springer-esque soap opera drama. Give me "diabetes" any day, especially one that's not another friggin one shot.
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    Pygmalion - Ch. 9

    The lilies are starting to bloom! And not a Drama/Tragedy tag in sight!
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    JK-chan and Her Classmate's Mom - Ch. 13 - The End of the Café Event

    I really want these two lovable dorks to hook up...
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    Kuchi ga Saketemo Kimi Ni Wa - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    @Jackari Agreed. Especially since Onryu Okusama still hasn't been picked up yet. I've loved her character since its very first iteration: Her Special Seat. Hopefully at some point we can see more wholesome monster girls like Hasshaku-sama.
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    A White Rose in Bloom

    Drama and Psychological tags have me worried... So hard to find good, fluffy, and wholesome yuri.... >_<
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    Pygmalion - Ch. 7

    @Maleras I know, right? I can't wait for her to find out the "secretary" is really the owner of the company.
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    Pygmalion - Ch. 7

    It begins!
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    Hero-san to Moto Onna Kanbu-san - Ch. 3 - Encounter and Reunion

    Yup...when it comes to Yuri, very few things beat the light and fluffy pair of lovable dorks.
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    JK-chan and Her Classmate's Mom - Ch. 11 - The Day After

    @msaid08 I know right. I can’t wait for the fluffiness...
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    The One I Yearn For - Ch. 10 - The Light in the Dark

    Agreed. I’m sensing this is going to be a slow burn, but hopefully with great payout once the relationship gets going.
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    Pygmalion - Ch. 6

    "I'm so happy to be an intern here" Are you on drugs? Do you need help?
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    Sora & Haena! - Ch. 3

    Looking to see where this goes. The author had me with the age AND height gap.
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    Sora & Haena!

    @Speppo82 Yeah, it's pretty confusing. Especially when the community can't seem to agree what actually separates the two. My understanding is that the difference between Shoujo Ai and Yuri is "best friends forever"/platonic "love" versus romantic love. However, you also have the other...
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    JK-chan and Her Classmate's Mom

    I hope this actually goes somewhere and isn’t just stringing us along...
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    Kami eshi JK to OL fujoshi

    I would also point out that neither has any interest in any sort of physicality. Misumi hasn’t brought it up at all, and Aizawa (as stated by Sknite) made it clear she knows going that route would not be good. Both of them have shown plenty of maturity in this regard so if their relationship...
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    Kami eshi JK to OL fujoshi - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Standing right in front of me was a goddess

    That escalated quickly...and I have no complaints.