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  1. Pepsioverdose


    @0takuDragonSlayer Wow we're still on this? Why is it so hard for you to understand that while all of these were happening, even while Yanashita was walking with Ohma, Koga was STILL on the way to a medical facility? How about you give him time to arrive at a definite location first befofe any...
  2. Pepsioverdose


    @freeman You would think common sense is free and everyone would make the best use of if. But some people still surprise me every time.
  3. Pepsioverdose


    @0takuDragonSlayer Sure cussing and calling names are the sure way to prove that you're not taking a big fat "L" at all. Since it seems you are not capable of Reading as well as comprehending simple things, yes that was sarcasm fully intended. Oh wait! Please dont tell me you got that offended...
  4. Pepsioverdose


    @0takuDragonSlayer wow you're one stubborn dude, arent you? Literally the FIRST thing he did after the danger was gone was asking Retsudo if he had saved Koga. The SECOND thing he did after Retsudo assure him of Koga's safety was getting down on his knees with tears of RELIEF. Thats right. The...
  5. Pepsioverdose


    @seirio thanks man i was gonna tell him but you said all that should be said. Thanks God there's still someone with reasoning and common senses around here @ 0takuDragonSlayer a little common sense shouldnt be so hard. Btw, i swear your negativity and whining get to a new level every time i see...
  6. Pepsioverdose


    Why are you guys freaking out over Kazu not checking on Koga? Retsudo already told him Koga is alright, his men got him and are transporting him to safety and Medical treatments. I mean Kazu even cried out of relief. And its not like Kazu is free to go right after. Ohma asked him to come with...
  7. Pepsioverdose


    You know what's more terrifying than a insane murderous Raian? That very same Raian who use Kure techniques
  8. Pepsioverdose


    I see it now. This Mangaka loves to give "SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKER!!!" moments, create controversies among the fanbase and get them all riled up. Whenever he does this you can see the fanbase split in 2 clear sides. Think about it this is NOT the first time he does this. 1- Made Kiryu seem like...
  9. Pepsioverdose

    Record of Ragnarok - Vol. 7 Ch. 27 - Endless Love

    Am i the only one feeling a little ill from all these cheese and hypocrisy in this fight, especially this chapter?
  10. Pepsioverdose


    My boy Koga finally makes me proud. All those trainings have finally paid off
  11. Pepsioverdose


    Man koga keeps getting opponents way out of his league. I hope he puts on a decent to good fight though.
  12. Pepsioverdose


    I dont know why but it's was so refreshing and satisfying to see Koga bursting his ass training like that. Then again it makes sense and required for a former punk like him to get to the level of those monster fighters
  13. Pepsioverdose


    I hope the author allow Muteba opportunities to use his full potentials as an assassin. Like sending him to deal with those spies from that Xia ji guy, anything goes and no rule. So far we have only seen him as a fighter and he would back off when the risk is too high but things could be very...
  14. Pepsioverdose


    And again, the "new" Meguro is the complete opposite of the old dead Meguro. He beat Kokuro without even giving him a scratch. Old Meguro is all about murdering. Gotta say the author really knows how to make his manga more interesting at every turn
  15. Pepsioverdose


    @BrightSideoLife I'm sure his company still exists and is running even now. If my memories serve me right he employed Komada and Ivan to be his assistants so he might have entrusted the Company to those 2. Granted it was just a small warehouse distributing supplies likely to small local...
  16. Pepsioverdose


    @Sigilbreaker26 You look at this and you tell me, with only common senses, no bias or fanboyism in the way, who would be the easier fight for Ohma? The guy with only one eye patch and not even a dirt on his clothes, or the guy with wraps all over his body...
  17. Pepsioverdose


    @0takuDragonSlayer Maybe calling him in the top 5 is a bit much cuz i just remember there are at least 5 fighters who are very likely/clearly stronger than him. The point is, he should have advanced further,or at least not stopped by Imai. It's simply something the author pulled to make things...
  18. Pepsioverdose


    They better not make Akoya lose this match. It's already a huge fuckload of bullshit how he lost to Imai in Kengan Ashura. He's actually one of the strongest, maybe even top 5, of all the fighters and He does NOT deserve to lose second time. Also,i i love how the the Death aura around Ryuuki...
  19. Pepsioverdose

    RED: Living On the Edge - Vol. 19 Ch. 151 - What a Wonderful World

    Talk about an abrupt ending...quite a disappointment ....oh well that was still an epic awesomr ride up until before the very end Great Thanks @kingsonte for all your hard works. You realized my wish to see this manga to the end from a very long time ago
  20. Pepsioverdose

    RED: Living On the Edge - Vol. 19 Ch. 150 - The Death And The Maiden

    Much as i hate how the plot turned, this chapter is an insane fuckload of brutal, metal and epic.