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  1. Pepsioverdose


    I have always loved how this author presents the sad moments. He keeps them concise, neat and to-the-point, even for the flashbacks. Like this scene, just Kazzy suddenly thought of Ohma and he couldnt make another step, utter another or thoughts speak volumes of how hard it feels I love Kanoh's...
  2. Pepsioverdose

    RED: Living On the Edge - Vol. 15 Ch. 112 - Where Have All The Flowers Gone? (Pt. 2)

    Angie: i'm going to Hell with Red because that guy said hes gonna soend the rest of his days with me and he gonna keep this promise Gold: yeah i couldnt care less about the President, the Army or the country. Im just gonna help my homie Red to kill Blue Gray: i will cry but not now. Not until...
  3. Pepsioverdose

    RED: Living On the Edge - Vol. 14 Ch. 110 - The Big Battle 2

    As much as i find him annoying and disgusting, Terrence is one tough Son of a B Too bad for Him Red is putting the warpaint on now. It's game over
  4. Pepsioverdose

    RED: Living On the Edge - Vol. 14 Ch. 109 - The Big Battle 1

    I got a chill down my spine when Red ate that skull How come Red can be so metal all the time?
  5. Pepsioverdose

    RED: Living On the Edge - Vol. 14 Ch. 108 - Gate Keepers of Hell 4

    And the death flag starts raising. Well at least Red officially admit hes returning Angie's feelings. I dont see this getting a happy ending though
  6. Pepsioverdose

    RED: Living On the Edge - Vol. 14 Ch. 107 - Gate Keepers of Hell 3

    I was expecting that gay boxer to at least put up a good fight deserving of his notoriety as a champion and a bandit ut man he was so useless. Gabriel's finishing blow was brutal though. Like Mortal kombat's brutality. @Paulo27 The closest similar villain i could think of is Griffith from...
  7. Pepsioverdose

    Out - Vol. 16 Ch. 145

    I like how the author decide to develop on Taiguchi's cunning and pragmatic nature. That was very smart and ballsy move of him. Bravo. I say he has redeemed himself for most of the shits he did before ( except for "killing" of Meguro but that needs to be confirmed)
  8. Pepsioverdose

    RED: Living On the Edge - Vol. 13 Ch. 103 - True Colors 2

    I dont know if anyone notices but, plot aside, the Art of this series is very amazing. It feels almost like Berserk but in the Wild Western scenario
  9. Pepsioverdose

    RED: Living On the Edge - Vol. 12 Ch. 98 - Yellow 11

    Wow... what i love about this manga is when Shits have to go down, they go down real hard and fast with immense brutality @Pariston well to be fair they have all been nationally wanted and their families will be threatened as long as they still live on. The insane sensei reinforced this fear...
  10. Pepsioverdose

    Out - Vol. 16 Ch. 143

    Rotf i lost it when he used his hair to get friendly with those guys. Genius move, Taguchi
  11. Pepsioverdose

    Out - Vol. 15 Ch. 131

    So from what have seen of Nikkaku: Tankiness - checked Endurance - checked High pain threshold - checked Skills- checked Perceptiveness - checked Composure- checked Speed - checked Reflex - checked brain/smart - checked Ruthlessness - hes famous for it Power/strength - triple checked Seriously...
  12. Pepsioverdose

    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 128

    @gambino I suggest you stop reading, stop coming here at all for at least 1 month. By that time this should catch up to what we had in RAW. Also, for your own benefit, just restraint yourself from looking for Vol 16 raw when it comes out. All of your complaints so far are a bunch of nonsenses...
  13. Pepsioverdose

    Out - Vol. 14 Ch. 127

    Those of you who keep complaining about how this is still going on really start to annoy the F out of me. What did you read this manga for? For the fights, for the actions? I hope the answer is YES because if it's for something else then you've been reading the wrong series. And the fights are...
  14. Pepsioverdose

    Out - Vol. 13 Ch. 118

    @RedHairedShanks With all due respects, im gonna disagree with you: - It was well established that Jousuke is an unstable batshit crazy psycho who will stop at nothing to make his foes' lives a literal hell ( or like in this case, end it). For him everyone is either friends or foes. Challenging...
  15. Pepsioverdose

    Out - Vol. 13 Ch. 118

    Wow i thought QP was dark and brutal and at least they deal directly with actual Yakuza. These guys were still at their delinquent phase and they already crossed so many fucking lines not even people from QP would cross. DAMN
  16. Pepsioverdose

    Zenaku no Kuzu - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    I might be the only one who thinks this way but that everyone ( saved for the girl and the grandpa) in that family deserve to die as well, especially the father and the brother. Where the F is your manhood when your family is in such danger? Try to do something about it, dont be such pather...
  17. Pepsioverdose

    Zenaku no Kuzu - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    I can already tell the deaths of these scumbags, especially that bltch, wont be pretty
  18. Pepsioverdose

    Crows Gaiden - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Kizu Kyousuke (2)

    I still hope someday Kizu will meet Bouya. Imagine the insane amount of goofs, chaos and asskicking they would cause if they are together
  19. Pepsioverdose

    Out - Vol. 12 Ch. 110

    Wow people. Have some basic courtesies as a reader will you? 1- Dont post the damn spoiler. That's just very disrespectful 2- Dont talk about picking this up like the translator, LoktarOgar, is dead. Just patiently wait for the new chapter. He has a life too. I can't believe how People can be...
  20. Pepsioverdose

    Out - Vol. 12 Ch. 109

    At this point, i wouldnt be surprised if this Kai mofo turns out to be the root of all the shits that went down since the 5th Generation time. Dude made me feel uneasy even at his first appearance. Also, this manga has gone way past just the beef between delinquents duking out at each others to...