It ist just me or Scarlet becomes more annoying after each chapter?
And wonderful job Goldsmith you were an ultimate badass. This just shows there is no way in hell Red could have taken Goldsmith back at Fort Thonas if he actually fought back.
It's been a while so i forgot how tough and badass Goldsmith is. The man literally stood still, uttered NO sound of pain as his right eye being stabbed SLOWLY while giving a dead glare to his stabber with his left eye. These young newbies aint scaring him.
I hope Scarlett will just fucking snap...
I never expected a happy ending for this manga but fuck it i dont like where it's going. Angie at least should die by Red's side or in his arms. She DESERVES it. And Scarlet is still a liability as ever. This is traight BS.
P/S: im still thankful to the translator for your great works though
Damn Ieroh is a certified fuckingg badass. He murders your ass from miles away and even when you manage to get up close hes still honna kick your ass with his mastery of Ju-jutsu. He's so good not even a deadly masterswordman like Murasaki can take him down while he's BLIND.
Much as i have always hated Murasaki, that move when he jumped on the tree to make a sharp turn and slice that soldier was Savage. I also love how he looks like a real Oni in his (likey) final moments.
The author and artist for this Manga is the most underrated in the World of Manga/Anime
BTW, is it just me or GoldSmith's size has shrunk?? He used to be just as big as Red and now he's barely taller than gray
Welcome back Translator. I hope you had an awesome vacation.
Back to the manga, i have a feeling that things are. Ot going to end well for that old Indian Man and the Sisters
But that Nun when shes mad though. Valak aint got shit on her
Someone better make sure Kai gets the most brutal beating of all time and all of his teeth are knocked the fuck out. Oh and break all his limbs at that. Annoying POS
Im just gonna throw it out there that the new Kengan Asura anime wasnt bad at all. Maybe with all the shittings people been giving it my expectation was lowered but in all honesty i enjoyed it.
And the Mindfucking continues...
So all of the D Squad turned out to be innocent just like Goldsmith and Sturges. This makes sense. Usually in such Morality controversial situation there are usually a bigger percent of those involved whose hearts are in the right places
Blue at this point is...