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  1. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 94 - Mahiro and the New School Year, Once Again

    Sensei could've assumed Mahiro is faking it now to skip class (and maybe even faked it at the ceremony too). When I first read this chapter in raws, I thought it's kinda boring and most jokes are reused from older chapters. But now I realize Chitose is its main point, and she's hilariously...
  2. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei!! - Ch. 75.1 - Inside and Outside

    I think I mostly understand it. The "original" Miyuverse, before the revision caused by Illya's time travel, is one where Pandora's Box wasn't opened, and where Darius won. (I'm not sure if those two events are related or coincidental) That Miyuverse was judged as a bad end and thrown into...
  3. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 5 Ch. 67 - Everyone's Gonna Be Done For

    Carrying the drug is actually a great idea. Disguising it like that, not so much. I think it could work very well if they made it into a regular medicine bottle. But of course, then we wouldn't have silly shenanigans like this.
  4. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Tsugumomo - Vol. 34 Ch. 171 - Attack on Tsuzura Temple 2

    IIRC, they said they have unspecified secret plans for Kanaka and the shards. Oriobana wants to empower Arumi with Kazuya's ability for better predictions, which will also let her know about those secret plans, so the suits want to remove Arumi before that happens.
  5. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 93 - Mahiro and a Special Treat

    It wasn't a date for him. Probably. Depends on how you define a date, really. I'd say he was just chilling with his bros (as far as he was concerned) until he decided to play along and end it as a date.
  6. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 93 - Mahiro and a Special Treat

    A "rare boys W", as the younger generation might say. He likes games, it doesn't mean he's good at them.
  7. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 9 Ch. 90.8 - Mahiro and Mama (Revisited)

    I guess browsing through her son-daughter's underwear drawer is too much even for her... So I wanted to say, but apparently she still got his panties.
  8. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 5 Ch. 65 - Mahiro is a Man-Eater?

    I got curious about that distinction so I looked at the raw. What was translated as "man-eater" is literally "wicked woman" (悪女), and "temptress" is "little devil" (小悪魔). I presume the former toys with people out of malice or with evil intentions, while the latter is just playful and does it for...
  9. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 5 Ch. 65 - Mahiro is a Man-Eater?

    That's a... peculiar... fantasy you have there, Minato-kun.
  10. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 9 Ch. 90.9 - Volume 9 Special Edition Extras

    So that's what she meant by "making him work" back in chapter 1.
  11. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! Official Anthology Comic - Vol. 5 Ch. 64 - Watch★Yourself!

    I think this particular piss joke (Mahiro not quite making it to the restroom) has been done to death already. And doing it three times in a row doesn't make it better.
  12. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Kuro Gal-san ga Kuru! - Vol. 5 Ch. 45

    I'm expecting an H doujin epilogue. With legally distinct versions of the characters, if necessary. Make it happen, Tamagoro.
  13. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Touhou Chireikiden - Hansoku Tantei Satori - Ch. 38 - Subterranean Animosity (Pt. VIII)

    Youkai Mountain explodes This is now a Touhou manga.
  14. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Highschool ONIMAI (Doujinshi) - Ch. 75.5 - EX - Private Lessons

    That "squad leader" is supposed to be "class rep". @takayanagi
  15. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Highschool ONIMAI (Doujinshi) - Ch. 74 - HP Boost

    Probably. The style reminds me of that one Onimai AI art account.
  16. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 92 - Mahiro and a Maiden's Secret

    To be decided/disclosed/determined/defined. "Cannot say anything useful now".