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  1. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 92 - Mahiro and a Maiden's Secret

    Anthologies are compilations of guest chapters by other authors, and they are non-canon.
  2. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 92 - Mahiro and a Maiden's Secret

    She's more self-aware than you'd expect. Remember how she raided her friends' homes for New Year money - she knows that as long as they think she's cute, all will be allowed. Do you think she'd listen and remember them?
  3. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Mahiro and the Unpleasurable Body

    This is not a snipe of the ongoing TL, just remastering some old chapters. Unless by "previous group" you mean CoolOtamegane; in that case, they seem to have retired from translation years ago.
  4. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 92 - Mahiro and a Maiden's Secret

    The doujins, they were a prophecy! :meguupog:
  5. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Highschool ONIMAI (Doujinshi) - Ch. 73 - EX - Change of Clothes

    A rare and precious Maidenmiji, almost as rare and precious as Mahibro. Now draw them together.
  6. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Kuro Gal-san ga Kuru! - Vol. 5 Ch. 40

    And we're not speaking legally here. The user up there seemed personally, morally disgruntled by her less-than-18 age. "Readiness for relationships", as much as it can be measured at all, depends on one's life experience, personality, and probably a slew of other factors, and it's only...
  7. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Kuro Gal-san ga Kuru! - Vol. 5 Ch. 40

    What's wrong with that?
  8. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Highschool ONIMAI (Doujinshi) - Ch. 71 - Oversized

    Damn Mahiro :pout: Tempting Momijiro like that :qq: Needs correction :angery:
  9. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Kuro Gal-san ga Kuru! - Vol. 5 Ch. 37

    Page 2 full color jump scare joy was unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome. For the chapter itself, I thought Kuroda is going to happen nearby so they could have a "couple with a child" shot.
  10. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Spider-Man: Octopus-Girl - Ch. 25 - A Third

    A man literally too angry to stay dead.
  11. tarrasqueSorcerer

    In The First Grade - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - When he peed

    Onimai inspired me to reread this after ten years, and what do you know! And looks like I'm not the only one.
  12. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 91 - Mahiro and Marriage

    What do you mean "feeling", she gets name-dropped in that chapter.
  13. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Ch. 91 - Mahiro and Marriage

    She has been around ever since Mahiro started attending school, and she had a nameplate in the "romantic gestures" chapter.
  14. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Danshi Kokoseidakedo Gyaru ni TS Shimashita - Ch. 9.1

    I'll dare a guess that most people here are aware of gender ideology. We just don't care. This is a dumb fun story, we're not here for deep analysis, and you going "well, ackchyually..." is just spoiling people's mood. And on a less sardonic note, the story and its characters adhere to your...
  15. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 9 Ch. 90.5

    So you're telling me there's a chance :meguupog:
  16. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Danshi Kokoseidakedo Gyaru ni TS Shimashita - Vol. 1 Ch. 8.2

    Can you give some examples of stories like that? I haven't really thought of this before, but now I want to check them out.
  17. tarrasqueSorcerer

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 9 Ch. 90 - Mahiro and Celebrating Success

    I'm sure she would, but now that I think of it, has Miyo actually ever shipped them on-panel? She witnessed their drunk kiss on New Year, but never brought that up again. I think Momiji was the only one who imagined them together, back in the double date chapter.