Mahiro crying in relief for Kaede was so sweet. He knows how it feels to fail, and he doesn't want that to happen to any of his friends.
And Mihari getting a taste of the life with Kaede that she chose to sacrifice was a weird mix of heart-breaking and heart-warming.
It's just weirdness with numeration. An extra chapter got promoted to main or something like that, and the numbers shifted, so there was a gap. The translators thought it's missing and translated it again.
I thought all of them except kabe-don were made up for this chapter. At least, I've never heard any of them ever. Although I guess kabe-don might just be the only one that became known in English.
It may or may not be related to "Dream of a Fisherman's Wife" (a classic Japanese painting). Also could've been used to avoid censorship at some point.
And magical girls go well with tentacles because demonic/magical creatures they fight make sense as a source of tentacles. Also, the whole...
That's funny to hear from the same crowd that shouts "Daisuke confirmed Brisket is a girl!"
And don't try to scare me with that word salad. Otoko no ko means a specific thing.