@jaellasster I have piercings up and down my ears and none of them have ever bled, not even my cartilage ones. Only my nose piercing bled, but not when I first got them pierced- only in recovery when things like pimples (?- they're a bit more brutal so idk tbh) appeared and it seems surprising...
listen, I know she's dumb asf for jumping in between them, but the scenes where they were falling were to die for and I'm ok with scarifying (the common sense the MC seemed to lack while over flowing in the Mary Jane vibes that they never should have at all) for it
It's clipped, that hand injury is way too obvious, she needs a better disguise for when she goes out- talking bout make up that makes her look completely different.
The comments complaining about their light punishment make no sense because they make it clear there will be an investigation and trail, its similar to modern day no? You can't deal out punishment until everything is on the table...