Search results

  1. Ndtm

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 2 Ch. 38.5 - Extra 5: Truancy

    Hammer with the heavy blush couldn't take it any more :lewd: (pg 4, 2nd panel)
  2. Ndtm

    When you search, English only chapters, can we make it so that latest only shows English results?

    Just like all the other similar threads on this topic, currently, regardless of language will update the "updated at" and changing it to work with each individual language is not trivial but might at some point get visited but don't count on it happening anytime soon...
  3. Ndtm

    [Mainsite] search manga section stuck on loading state [Fixed]

    Looks like the api does return the data but it doesn't get set, no errors though :huh:
  4. Ndtm

    Doomsday Jigsaw Puzzle - Ch. 5 - The Fifth Piece : Into The Team & Out Of The Tower

    @SaltytheGoat A bit of an overlap of the text with some Chinese that didn't get removed on images 58-63 :huh:
  5. Ndtm

    Changing volume numbers

    If it's just a individual chapter then report them directly while if there are several report the title itself while saying which chapters should get what volumes (providing a source helps the mods too (and it shows that the volume is also actually out) e.g. in this case the bookwalker link for...
  6. Ndtm

    Saitei Chara ni Tensei shita Ore wa Ikinokoritai - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.1 - New Adventurer Jin

    Was the chapter edited? from what i can see the raws are also split and seem to match up to both chapters
  7. Ndtm

    Filter to hide chapterless mangas.

    Hmm.. i've got 64 items and while i didn't check literally every single one, i did check many of them and i didn't see any that had missing chapters, though i did notice that the vast majority was uploaded by a single group, do you by chance have cutegyarutl or the user crimsonraes blocked?
  8. Ndtm

    Filter to hide chapterless mangas.

    There's a Recently Added option in the Sort By (Keep in mind that external links don't show up with the Only with translated chapters in option re: this forum thread)
  9. Ndtm

    [MainSite] User page tabs Can Break The Site [Fixed]

    When you load (or reload) a users page on a specific tab (e.g. anyone or self ) directly (excluding info) and then go to a different tab and as soon as you go back to the starting tab (in this case uploads) it throws console errors and any navigation...
  10. Ndtm

    Saitei Rank no Boukensha, Yuusha Shoujo wo Sodateru Orette - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Especially when the raw isn't split :haa:
  11. Ndtm

    Tanbo de Hirotta Onna Kishi, Inaka de Ore no Yome da to Omowareteiru - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Female Knight and The Bath

    I have most definitely heard mine and others growl both quietly and loudly. The concept of a growling stomach exists for a reason, or what, did you think it was a fairy tale just because you happen to have not encountered it?
  12. Ndtm

    [MainSite] Shift+Escape Blocked [Fixed]

    On Chrome at least in the devtools under elements there is a sub window with styles/computed/layout/EventListeners/+somemore, under eventlisteners you then open whatever category you're interested in (in this case 'keydown') which then lists the actual listeners, which also have a handy remove...
  13. Ndtm

    [MainSite] Shift+Escape Blocked [Fixed]

    I have no idea how or why or even how long it's been like this (it's been a while though) but it seems like something on the site is blocking the Shift+Escape shortcut to open the browsers task manager even though it doesn't seem like the site uses that combination for anything and doesn't...
  14. Ndtm

    Another Viz media post.

    Viz is region locked unfortunately
  15. Ndtm

    [Main Site] Cover display and series editing bug for "Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou" [Fixed]

    The optimistic lock means that the title needs to be re-indexed (there's a thread for it on the discord if you've got group leader or up role on there) as for it showing the latest cover.. that i don't know, i could reindex the title right now but since i haven't seen that thing where it shows...
  16. Ndtm

    [Main Site and Phone app] advance search showing manga that hasn't been updated in years on first page. [Not a bug]

    There are updates for those titles, just not in the languages you've selected to show. Related:
  17. Ndtm

    Tensei Ryoushu no Yuuryou Kaitaku: Zense no Kioku o Ikashite White ni Tsutometara, Yuunou na Jinzai ga Atsumari Sugimashita - Vol. 3 Ch. 16.1 - War D…

    I've got no insight into what actions get taken outside what gets publicly mentioned, wouldn't get banned and even if they get upload restricted (sometimes they do it just to be able to come in contact with the person) it's not uncommon for them to get a second chance after having a talk with...
  18. Ndtm

    Tensei Ryoushu no Yuuryou Kaitaku: Zense no Kioku o Ikashite White ni Tsutometara, Yuunou na Jinzai ga Atsumari Sugimashita - Vol. 3 Ch. 16.1 - War D…

    @deadrabbits @Endilbiach @Milanin Apparently they were official english chapters so they got the :slap:
  19. Ndtm

    [Reader] Reader stopped scrolling up when turning page [Fixed]

    The devs are aware of it :haa: