Once your bullshit tolerance hits its cap, it never drops back below.
@aloysiusks Because it's not, "This Train Station Employee Will Quit In 96 Days".
@MXCL Rote memorization is far from the only indicator of intelligence. And his plan wasn't roundabout at all; it was a series of steps that each took him closer to his goal. Unfortunately, changing circumstances have removed a key early step. We'll have to see if (and for how long) he lets...
We've seen at least one of these "... in 100 days" series created as a prequel to an existing series. I wonder when we'll get one that serves as the introduction to a brand-new continuing series. I would definitely read the Further Adventures of Pensuke.
Ahh, nice. Another one I can mark Comple--
"There are two more chapters we won't be doing."
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Seriously though, thanks for translating this!
@Knighto He wasn't "punished", and dating her wouldn't have been a "reward". He missed out on an opportunity. If he's smart, he'll learn from that and apply what he's learned going forward. That's how life works.
@chonkury If she entered the world of a novel that was fiction to her, it would be an isekai. If she were reading a novel that was an account of or set in her world's history, it would probably be Time Travel, as it was for the MC.
I went back and found it. Her intro was in episode 89. She...
Out of curiosity, what is the text that generally gets translated as, "Yesh." Is it, "Hyai," or something else? I'm just wondering what the Japanese language mispronunciation of "Hai" is. Or is it another word completely?
@chonkury Was it stated that this story is based on a novel, even one that only exists within the internal fiction? I don't recall the transmigrator saying that she was familiar with the heroine's story, but I could easily have missed it.
And if that scenario is the case, this now needs the...