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  1. Y

    Detective Conan - Ch. 1111 - Mystery of The Flowerbed

    So the trick involved someone having coins?
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    YuruYuri - Vol. 21 Ch. 173 - No HJ For Akari

    No handjob for akari
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    Hino-san no Baka - Ch. 129

    Koguma taking the initiative! But then it was all a trap! XD
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    The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Vol. 16 Ch. 133 - Playing With the Capoeira Lady

    And that is the biggest lie, because she can't deal with the weakest members nor their quirks.
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    The Apothecary Diaries - Vol. 12 Ch. 60.2 - Summer Retreat (Part 2)

    Why did they serve aphrodisiac to them? What were they planning?
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    Warui ga Watashi wa Yuri ja nai - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - Hanei Rin (2)

    So, did they just make out or did they go all the way through?
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    Hino-san no Baka - Ch. 126

    Hell yeah, Koguma delivering some service for her lesbian friend! Do it again!
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    Detective Conan - Ch. 1110 - Unsettling Parents’ Visit Day

    More like he thinks he'll get in trouble if they find out he killed a tulip, so he decided to use the ghost story to kill more tulips to make it seem like was innocent. How many more innocent plants have to die before he's satisfied! Shakes fist angrily at the sky
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    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 9 Ch. 118 - I Was Putting Up Walls

    Failed miserably, then recovered masterfully.
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    Detective Conan - Ch. 1110 - Unsettling Parents’ Visit Day

    Calling it now, the kid who fell over the tulips used the underlay sheet to ignite the tulips on fire like a magnifying glass.
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    Jimoto no Ijimekko-tachi ni Shikaeshi Shiyou to Shitara, Betsu no Tatakai ga Hajimatta. - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Horny's battle begins

    Alright, at first I thought it was pathetic that he had fallen in love with a Vtuber, but now I'm beginning to understand him. He spent his entire childhood being bullied by three girls he thought were guys, embarrassed to have been protected by an older boy he thought was a girl, and when he...
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    Kanojo mo Kanojo - Ch. 140 - Final Battle (8)

    Goddammit, no! END THIS FARCE ALREADY! Mirika is a criminal that trespassed, kidnapped, drugged and blackmailed everyone around her to get to Naoya's pants because she couldn't fathom someone being in love with two girls at once and none of them being her. There is no love in her actions, just...
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    My Crush's Crush - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Aww, how cute... I wonder if I can summon Black Magician Girl... ¬¬
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    Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - Vol. 23 Ch. 96 - An Ambush and a Conspiracy

    So, I'm thinking she gets strong participants drunk so they lose their matches by default in order to protect them from assassinations, given what's going on now.
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    Unconquered Uniform Girl - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    It's been 2 years, someone please pick this up!
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    The Little Lies We All Tell - Vol. 2 Ch. 20 - Theme Park (Part 1)

    Poor Tsuyoshi-kun, he doesn't even need to crossdress to be seen as a girl XD