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    Miss Bernard Said. - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    "A boy named Oliver introduces pretzels to London! It's Oliver Twist!" "A psychiatrist in a trenchcoat answers the question... 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?'" "It's a tale of coming of age and finding your place in the world of adults! Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End"
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    Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

    I miss this series being a beacon to all those people who were just too messed up to interact with others in any way besides awkward, stilted internet typing. ... I mean, I'm older now and I learned to act human in short bursts, but I'd kind of like something to read whenever I have an off-day.
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    Isekai titles so dumb they could work

    "In another world, I have the strongest skill but I don't realize it yet" "I've been reborn as a tapeworm! Can I still defeat the demon lord?" "They summoned 10,000 heroes and locked us in a room. I will prove that I'm the strongest!" "This other world is made of fire and covered in spikes?!"...
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    Kindaichi Case Files

    I have this listed as "plan to read" and I'll read it when it's fully translated to avoid cliffhangers. Thank you for your work, Irregular Scans. It is not unnoticed.
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    Miss Bernard Said. - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    @Weezer Please. Kanbayashi doesn't understand the hard sciences, makes little effort to do so, and invents a narrative to justify her behavior. She is Miss Bernard. We are all Miss Bernard.
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    Miss Bernard Said. - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    I laughed out loud at the "Friends Cafe Car" part. When will they come out with a CliffNotes for all classic literature in one place? ... Oh. Duh. TvTropes.
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    Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction - Vol. 9 Ch. 69

    If this were some silly comic book with flying mushrooms and stupid girls, our beloved heroine would be safe right now, flying among the rooftops. But this isn't some silly comic book. This is some serious comic book. With flying mushrooms and stupid girls.
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    Review an anime correctly but wrongly

    Future Diary: This girl is the best girl. She's so amazing that her greatness transcends all of space and time. She can do anything and she is really cute and she will kill all the other girls so she is the best girl. Love, The Author
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    T-sensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - Childrens' Amazingness

    "Well, the pay sucks and the commute takes forever, but there's this 3-year-old kid with amazing advice on how to pick up women."
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    T-sensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Little Love Melody

    What is it with people trying to rush kids into feeling things that they're biologically not ready to feel yet? It's not cute. It's creepy. When my cousin was in nursery school, he got a note from a girl saying he was her boyfriend (they couldn't write yet, so the teacher helped her). He went...
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    T-sensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Kids on Winter Day

    "🟊☆☆☆☆ (one star) "DO NOT BUY YOUR GIRLFRIENDS FROM THIS VENDOR mine arrived in a beat up package with a sticker over the bar code and the activation code removed! "after using the product vigorously 5 or 6 times the skin started to peel, and turns out that was the only thing keeping the arms...
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    T-sensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Daily Life of Flower

    Saying "What are you? Reveal your true form" to something that seems to have moved on its own is... ... it's something I wish I could say I've stopped doing.
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    Any books change your life? Literally?

    I'm not much of a reader, and my life was a bit unconventional, but there were some books that changed it. Making Comics, by Scott McCloud, taught me how people's emotions and motivations worked (in the chapter on characters), as well as basic body language and just generally introducing me to...
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    Recommendation for parent-child like relationship that DOESN'T HAVE ROMANCE

    I recommend Hinamatsuri. May not be exactly what you're looking for, as the father and daughter have strongly developed identities that don't revolve around their parent-child relationship (the dad isn't just "a dad", etc). Also she's adopted, and he's a mobster, and he didn't want her, but she...
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    Bousou Shojo

    So, are there really guys who look at everything and think, "how can I make this into a fleshlight"? Because I think the author is trying to use this experience and earn a living. Still... chicken soup, the bow from an upright bass, a hand puppet, 10 noodles, and ribbon dancing? That cannot be...
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    Bousou Shojo - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Zunjako Zunnyako

    "If you have sex before you're an adult, you'll grow a dick." There aren't nearly enough well-hung lolis in anime for that to be true.
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    Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? - Vol. 8 Ch. 39.1

    You approach a sign. "Welcome to Wet Cardboard Town, where everything and everyone is made of--" The rest of the sign is ripped off.
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    Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? Daily Life of the Four Spider Sisters - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    @Avenger88id My personal trainer brother will tell you that that is exactly how real life works, and that, consequently, all misfortune and inadequacy in your life is your own fault because you did not try hard enough to overcome them. We do not talk much, my brother and I.
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    Miss Bernard Said.

    Like many people, I went through a pretentious phase in high school where I thought that all smart people read classic literature. There was only one kind of intelligence, and it always manifested in an appreciation of the written arts. Such an appreciation was, of course, easy to fake...
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    I, Who Possessed a Trash Skill "Thermal Operator," Became Unrivaled - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.5

    "I, who possessed a trash skill [Flouting Newton's Laws], became unrivaled." Surprise!