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  1. leviadragon

    What Should I Do Now?!

    Huh... two versions of the first chapter in two radically different and equally mid artstyles...
  2. leviadragon

    Onna Chara de Isekai Teni shite Cheatppoi kedo Zako Chara na no de Medatazu Heiwa na Shomin wo Mezashimasu!

    god... dammit Japan. Why in the fuck did you make the protag 13.
  3. leviadragon

    Indulging a Crazy Beauty

    Okay... so both of them have memories of their prior lives in the last cycle, but the protag's seem to be incomplete?
  4. leviadragon

    Muryoku Seijo to Munou Oujo ~Maryoku Zero de Shoukansareta Seijo no Isekai Kyuukokuki~

    That's a really cool concept, two people who struggle alone but are stronger together because their natures are complementary, good action gimmick and couple dynamic metaphor alike.
  5. leviadragon

    Unaware His Majesty Is a Girl

    Man... Chinese imperial court political intrigue gets psychotic AF.
  6. leviadragon

    Urasekai Picnic - Isshuukan Nue Day (Doujinshi)

    Huh... I was not expecting this series to get porny doujins... and this is set after volume 8? Hah, this story is so slow-burn that it took until the end of volume 12 for Toriko to know her own feelings, and Sorawo is still deeeeeep in denial at that point.
  7. leviadragon

    Fuchou Airen

    Man, every time I read a Korean story oriented around the entertainment industry, and "hot searches" come up, being famous in South Korea and subjected to that level of surveillance and control sounds nightmarish. I know celebrity tabloid culture in the west is also a mess, but is having a...
  8. leviadragon

    Chou to Teikoku

    Okay yeah, they're definitely presenting Tzarist Russia as some shiny wonderland, which was... absolutely not in any way accurate, Pogroms (massacres) against Jewish people were common, the Tzars managed to get a bunch of people trampled to death at a poorly organized coronation, launched an...
  9. leviadragon

    Love Train

    Ah I see, a love... hexagon? Or just a Love Scribble, cuz those lines seem to be going all over the place.
  10. leviadragon

    Chou to Teikoku

    Well this is... potentially quite messy. The Soviets were a bucket of fuck, but the Romanov family's imperial Tzarist rule was also brutal and monstrous, if this series tries to romanticize that... gonna be some oof if the series ends up taking either side.
  11. leviadragon

    Danshi Kinsei Majo no Kuni ni Nyotaika Skill de Nyuukoku shite mita

    Personally hoping that some plot development happens to trap them in girlmode :V
  12. leviadragon

    Shoujo Nyuumon

    Chapter 13 seems... disjointed, maybe it's because I haven't read the previous chapters in a while, but the pacing seemed to jump to different scenarios with little explanation.
  13. leviadragon

    Kiss n Karess !

    Art is a little rough, and we're kinda dropped into the middle of things without much context.
  14. leviadragon


    Man, Denial is a real powerhouse huh.
  15. leviadragon

    Sazi-chan no Yami Nikki

    I haven't been so annoyed with an ending to a story that spits on the core premise of personal growth and improvement, processing trauma and becoming a more well-rounded person since Dexter.
  16. leviadragon

    Tyra & Cera

    it has been two years... I guess an english version of the final chapter will forever be out of our reach.
  17. leviadragon

    Yukidoke to Agapanthus

    I was... not expecting the random Shun not valuing her own life bit. I'm not sure if the sound effect was meant to be obscuring that or not either, but it still seems out of place in this story either way.
  18. leviadragon

    Kimi wo Tsumugu

    Weird mix of bleak and cutesy, doesn't really work in execution.
  19. leviadragon

    Sugar Girl Drip

    hnh... as of chapter 2 it certainly appears that both of the leads are abuse survivors, one of them still actively going through it... this MIGHT be an instance of them supporting each other through processing mutual trauma, or it might be lurid misery porn, not sure yet. EDIT: Hoo boy... well...