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  1. volodyuka

    Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Ch. 108 - Kouhai and Visit

    Why not both though :)
  2. volodyuka

    Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Ch. 108 - Kouhai and Visit

    I've been in bloodbath more times than I should've been, so nah, but more jokes?..
  3. volodyuka

    Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Ch. 108 - Kouhai and Visit

    Oh gosh it's so mature and without usual highjinx or whatyoumightcallthem, anyway, dissappointed. Just a smidge, but still...
  4. volodyuka

    Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Vol. 12 Ch. 107 - Kouhai and Review Meeting

    That face on last page made my day) Next Fujio-centered chapter will be lit!
  5. volodyuka

    Aitsu no Kanojo - Vol. 4 Ch. 34 - The Battle Begins

    By NTRing every other character! yay!
  6. volodyuka

    Aitsu no Kanojo - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - Have Eyes for Me Only [UNCENSORED]

    HOLY SHIT! Confirmed Gay! Here we go bros, let's hop into this wagon to a propa trainwreck, yahooo!
  7. volodyuka

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    thank god it was out already!
  8. volodyuka

    Someone's Girlfriend - Vol. 4 Ch. 32 - Someone He Likes...

    She's gonna end up like some kind of weird yandere man-eater monster for sure!
  9. volodyuka

    Someone's Girlfriend - Vol. 4 Ch. 32 - Someone He Likes...

    Paraphrasing the great words: I love the smell of train wreck in the morning, smells like victory!
  10. volodyuka

    Filter-Goshi no Kanojo - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Together On Sunday

    They are gonna have a great career in porn!
  11. volodyuka

    The Woman Who Messes With My Emotions (2022) - Vol. 2 Ch. 15

    If it was my dream It would've been "choose? ok, I'll choose both! come 'ere!"...
  12. volodyuka

    Childhood Friend, Big Love - Ch. 34 - Toasty Muffler Blonde Gal Super Cute Winter

    Opened and shut, also WTF? How? Why? Some people just weird!
  13. volodyuka

    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse - Ch. 40

    This is stupid! I demand more. Now!
  14. volodyuka

    Childhood Friend, Big Love - Ch. 34 - Toasty Muffler Blonde Gal Super Cute Winter

    Translator note made my day! xD Get well soon!
  15. volodyuka

    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 13 Ch. 100

    Heh, in a way I've been in a similar place Marin was once, at my first TTRPG fest I was running game as GM for eight hours straight and only after it ended learnt that it was totally ok to make breaks or to "go for a smoke" or to breath some air once in a while :) pretty much straight up crushed...
  16. volodyuka

    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 5 Ch. 41 - What's a good fan?

    Oooof, that wrist of a show off... Remember kids: do not cut you wrists like that, do it along the length of the hand! Fucking amatures at suicide! /s (in reality and putting dark sarcasm aside you really should search for professional help instead of a razors edge)
  17. volodyuka

    Daredemo Dakeru Kimi ga Suki - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Let's Be Clear

    this manga is like a perfect example of a joke gone way too far, but it's stupidly funny!