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  1. BigRobot

    Toriko - Vol. 5 Ch. 36 - Regal Isle Race!!

    Terry is a male, not a female. It’s a shame this manga didn’t have a better translation with the names.
  2. BigRobot

    Toriko - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - The First Biotope!!

    Lol. Poor Butt Bug. I would keep it as a pet. It’s wiki page is also funny. “Speaking of bizarre, there is also a subculture of butt-fetishists who apparently like to own these things as pets.” Also it’s “Starjun” not “Staajyun”, this translator is pretty bad with names.
  3. BigRobot

    Toriko - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Bishoko-kai!!

    Oh god.....I forgot the translation completely fucked up the names of Zebra and Sunny. It’s ZEBRA not ZEBURA. It’s SUNNY not SANI.
  4. BigRobot

    Toriko - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Coco's Secret!!

    So Coco and Toriko just let that red shirt Gourmet hunter die, when they clearly could’ve saved him with ease. Our heroes ladies and gentlemen! Toriko refuses to kill beasts he doesn’t want to eat, but he doesn’t want to save people who aren’t his friends out of danger? Wow man, that’s morbid.
  5. BigRobot

    TORIKO - Vol. 43 Ch. 396 - Still Yet Unseen Ingredients!!

    @NoTofu I feel your pain, so sad how a Manga with such a unique concepts potential was wasted due to being rushed and axed :(
  6. BigRobot

    Jaryuu Tensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - I Am An Evil Dragon

    @Silvernius That must've been how the artist was feeling, which explains the generic lazy art lol. But still, thanks for the info. He seems to be a bit TOO laid back if he blinks that many times. Or that you don't need to have him blink so many times to show he's bored.
  7. BigRobot

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2 - Battle Tendency (Official Colored)

    Good part, but good lord does this need to be reedited. Quite a few grammar errors such as Josephs name sometimes having the s and e swap places. Another issue are the Pillar Man's namesakes being taken too literally. Their names should be Kars, Esidisi, and Wammu. Not Cars, ACDC, and Wham. A...
  8. BigRobot

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 1: Phantom Blood (Official Colored)

    I agree with the others, Part 1 is not a bad part at all. It’s just that the others are more amazing that Phantom Blood is often st the bottom of lists because of that. This is not the fault of the manga, but I’ve caught a few irritating spelling errors in this mangas translation from time to...
  9. BigRobot

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1 - Phantom Blood (Official Colored) - Vol. 5 Ch. 44 - Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio Part 6

    @cblmanga Am curious, what’s your tier list of the Joestars? The fact that there’s someone lower than Jonathan made me wonder. But anyway, even though Jonathan is nowhere near the best Joestar, he’s still a very good character. Honestly ranking all the joestars is difficult as they all have...
  10. BigRobot

    GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - Vol. 7 Ch. 45

    @Sam_Arcade @themanj Thanks for giving me a proper rebuttal/Explanation on what's going in, I'd admit i am not familiar with the technology that was shown so i am at fault here. It's just so strange to me that C4s were more effective at taking down dragons then Artillery rounds lol.
  11. BigRobot

    GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - Vol. 4 Ch. 25 - Fire Dragon's Shadow

    Your 4 months late, But It's not like I make a comment on literally any chapter, I just criticize the ones that stands out to me. I do give some praises time to time. Have you also seen me make comments past chapter 47? I stopped reading this manga for months now because I got really frustrated...
  12. BigRobot

    GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - Vol. 8 Ch. 47

    @Sam_Arcade Given how they frequently forget to put periods at the end of lines, that can sound believable :p I still think that it was intentionally on the author's part lol.
  13. BigRobot

    GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - First Step to Peace

    @Sam_Arcade Well, Knowing Japan's education system out-right not educating their children about their country's various war crimes during the war, its more likely that he doesn't know about it. If he does know about it, then it's pretty clear from the next chapter that Japan just wants the...
  14. BigRobot

    GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - Vol. 8 Ch. 47

    @Sam_Arcade That doesn't make much sense, why would they call them insurgents when they dress like Roman Soldiers, use's spears and shields instead of guns, have races that come out of Fantasy, and Use Dragons? Clearly these are not insurgents. This kinda proves my first point.
  15. BigRobot

    Jaryuu Tensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Maou vs Dragon

    Total Winks: 17 times. Also just like that, this manga turned into a generic cliche piece of shit with the MC turning into a human. Way to clickbait readers into reading your story by having the MC be a dragon before immediately becoming a human.
  16. BigRobot

    Jaryuu Tensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - I Am An Evil Dragon

    Total Winks in this chapter: 14-15 The MC must have a serious eye condition, or that the retarded artist doesn't like drawing two eyes on him, notice how alot of the panels you can't see his second eye and has his head facing sideways.
  17. BigRobot

    TORIKO - Vol. 43 Ch. 396 - Still Yet Unseen Ingredients!!

    @Belrog Now let me get this out the way, when i first read this manga start to finish, i thought it was amazing. But reading back into it now and the wiki made me realize all the problems it had. And no matter if your new or a veteran, you could notice the flaws. I honestly can't help but nod...
  18. BigRobot

    TORIKO - Vol. 43 Ch. 396 - Still Yet Unseen Ingredients!!

    I don’t see those points as misguided at all, I think I’m correct and this displays a more sinister side of Toriko. Your just not looking deep enough into the world of Toriko to get the bigger picture. If the world wasn’t bound by their religion, they could accomplish many great things with the...
  19. BigRobot

    GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - Vol. 7 Ch. 44 it was either Itami’s fault for not bringing better rockets to use at close range, or the elves tech illiteracy that they couldn’t kill the dragon, makes sense. What still doesn’t make sense is the sword and CV part, CVS still shouldn’t do that much better than a Rocket Launcher.
  20. BigRobot

    GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

    >Whuut? Within JGSDF Itami has a reputation of being a slacker, running off from training, and being a bottom performer in special forces. That too! Why give such an important piece of equipment to an unreliable, disobedient soldier who puts his hobby over his job and sucks at everything but is...