Uhh, wtf? An explosion by a jet missile does not instantly kill or severely injure an adolescent dragon, nor does multiple tank rounds?! Wtf is this?! It took over a full barrage of tank rounds, and some aerial vehicle missiles to kill 2 adolescent dragons, yet the Elder Dragon was killed by swords and C4s?! Bull. Fucking. Shit. I get that the Flame Dragon was weakened earlier with its arm blown off by a rocket, but an Elder Dragon is still stronger than a younger dragon. Even if it’s malnourished, it’s still stronger as the scales still gets stronger and stronger as they age.
The argument that the flame dragon is malnourished can be tossed out, as we’ve seen multiple times that the dragon eat people, whats to say that it also hunts bigger beasts to eat for food? It had enough time to eat to regain strength.
Regardless, this is just another case of the author’s Bad Contradicting Writing. Or...possibly discarding all logic for the sake of the “rule of cool” aka in this case “Nationalism”.
>Flame Dragon gets hit by rocket in the first encounter, It’s arm is torn off.
>Later in the second, it’s barely affected by rockets yet gets damaged by swords and Weaker claymores And is killed by them.
> Adolescent Dragons get hit by Jet missile, not affected. Took a barrage of tank rounds and helicopter until they were dead.
Oh....and at the end, Itami gets a ton of rewards and commandments from the General, including the giant Diamond. And they can’t get rid of Itami after getting them, so they have to just assign him a new assignment, despite him disobeying a major order....
Geez, talk about plot armor. Once again Itami gets special privileges no one else can get because he’s the authors super speecul Self-Insert Character.