Was season 2 a flop or something? I feel like the whole 'Evil Youth Billionaire' club was kinda rushed and we didn't even do anything with most of the members
I'm not sure what the fuck was going on in the page just before he crush him but nice.
Also I so want a Dark Gathering game, as long as it's not an arena fighter.
Glad to have seen it to the end, thanks for the chapter!
I'm gonna be honest, I forgot like half the plot as it went on but I enjoyed it, I'm happy there's a sequel
That's dumb, that's like jailing you for shooting at a mass shooter and missing. You think those 100 people would have survived getting eaten by a Kaiju instead?
Honestly the 'plot twist' make sense, from the start it was clear that guys like Agni had something more going than just being murderous monsters and the trappers were far from pure good guys.