On page 45 in the second panel, it should be "and were late", though I'd go for "and arrived late" or something like that instead since it'd flow better.
@ASmileToProtect you might want to educate yourself on the purpose of trigger warnings before spouting nonsense about people needing to leave their bubble. People can't control what triggers an adverse psychological reaction in them based on past or ongoing trauma. Especially in entertainment...
@xironi you might want to quote the entirety of what I said. Take note of the "as far as I'm aware". I had not read any further than that chapter, and up to that chapter, Arsenio expressed no romantic nor sexual interest in men that I can remember.
Friendly reminder to all the shippers that sexually assaulting someone is not OK, and portraying being assaulted in that way as arousing for someone leads to very unfair and unhealthy implications and assumptions. Arsenio is also entirely straight and thinks of himself as a man as far as I'm...
@Jeirien remember that those experiments and their conclusions were never convincingly linked to human behaviour. Additionally, there have been studies since that directly contradicted the conclusions reached in the mouse utopia experiments.
On a side note, "humans destroy perfect world" was...
I can confirm that if the slow-down is a regional issue, it's extremely wide-range, as I'm having severe issues in Toronto (southern Canada, very close to the border.)