I honestly feel like the author made this chapter in response to negative feedback on his original ending.
This ending felt so out of left field after everything in the last chapter and felt like the author was saying "YES THEY GET TOGETHER, NOW SHUTUP".
@wildfire_desu Other option is they could try a patreon, I'd directly message the group/uploader to get into contact with them about donation options.
If they're like a lot of people they typically buy through amazon and thus you could gift them amazon.jp gift cards.
@Dysisa Sasuke 2: electric boogaloo talking about love just come across as insincere.
That said, this is the fight I've been waiting for about 30 or so chapters now. The comeuppance is soon, beard man giving it to all the characters "prodigies".
@arimareiji He's using his own cash now, that's why he's working part-time.
Whether we can really call someone renting you out every weekend can be considered heartwarming is another discussion entirely...
PS: I personally like Rika more still even if they keep forcing Mizu down out throats and...
Ah, so this is what happens when you string along one ending for several chapters and then just end it with another character.
You get a total shitfest from all sides involved and a looooooooot of trolls.
I was genuinely curious to see if this was the group just releasing partial chapters but it's the actual official release that is 4 pages.
That's actually damn hilarious, really wondering how the editors and such felt about this.
I think the implication is she's way too young to be with him, but I also don't remember where it's stated how old she is exactly other than she seems to be in high school.
If she's 16~ and dating with a college age 19+ year old MC, I can start seeing why he's rejecting the advances. Someone...