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  1. Majora

    The Friends-Eater Classroom - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - Game 11 - Pancreas

    So wait, is he actually "healing" people by directly manipulating the server? Or is he just creating fake emails to girls and then "healing" them when they come into his presence? This is super vague.
  2. Majora

    The Friends-Eater Classroom - Vol. 3 Ch. 24 - Game 10 - Bone (Part 3)

    At least this train wreck is fast so we don't have to suffer long. @Pika Drugs? Maybe it's why she was crying blood from overdose? Author doesn't gotta explain shit apparently, just gotta go fast.
  3. Majora


    MC got catfished, but instead of having a fake pic she had a fake voice. Also to be fair, he has sort of a right to question his feelings since they're based on an incorrect premise. It'd be like falling in love with someone because you thought they had great blue eyes and they ended up being...
  4. Majora

    Rent-A-Girlfriend - Vol. 5 Ch. 34 - The Two Girlfriends Part 3

    Say what you will about this author, but man does he know how to incite a waifu war with his characters.
  5. Majora

    Saotome Senshu, Hitakakusu - Vol. 7 Ch. 74 - Saotome Senshu, Riveted

    Remember to mark your calendar and set your alarm for 6 months from now so you can be ready for the next kiss.
  6. Majora

    The Friends-Eater Classroom - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Game 9 - Small Intestine (Part 3)

    I feel like there's something here with a proof of concept but the author can't pace for shit. Days fly by typically in a single chapter so you don't get these long chapters of "will they or won't they" and you just suddenly see the end result. It'd have been interesting to see her take the...
  7. Majora

    Hatsukoi Zombie - Vol. 11 Ch. 106 - A Duty Of Youth

    Comment section delivered. I was confused how they got to A = 1 but I was assuming that it was a variable O and not number 0 so I was confounded and thought that either I didn't know the equation or I was missing something.
  8. Majora

    Hoshino, Me o Tsubutte - Vol. 8 Ch. 66 - Neon Light (2)

    >let's go out >but also let's make it a secret because I'm too scared Ah, so this is how you manage to rile up your fanbases even after you settle them into a relationship. Nevermind you could just... You know... Show the actual ups and downs of a relationship openly without forced drama, but...
  9. Majora

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - Senpai, Your Arms Are So Thin!!

    >when you bully so hard you end up bullying yourself
  10. Majora

    Dansan Joshi - Vol. 4 Ch. 49.1 - Mizu Asato Goes To Battleship Island

    Might want to correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the author is female, did the author use male pronounce during this chapter or am I missing something?
  11. Majora

    Mousou Telepathy - Vol. 6 Ch. 582 - 5-7-5

    Unga bunga, no touch waifu.
  12. Majora

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - The ‘Girlfriend’, Sarashina Ruka

    @Rozzak Actually, her heart rate is below average. Not terribly below the average but it is below the norm. That said, I'm not sure how low a heart can actually go and still function but below capacity but 5...
  13. Majora

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - The Girlfriend and Her Part 8

    I mean while she's cute, it's kinda messed up to pressure someone to go out with you to point of causing scene in public. Even as a trial. But hey, at least the "only get along with each other due to compensated dating" excuse can relax for a while.
  14. Majora

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 4 Ch. 26 - The Girlfriend and Her Part 7

    @kronix Ah I see, a new age manga reader. Back in my day we had Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, and Haruhi. And man were you even lucky to get development to happen in 100 chapters. And I fucking enjoyed the ride the whole time because they were fun.
  15. Majora

    Rokudou no Onna-tachi - Vol. 10 Ch. 87 - Those Who Have Given Up

    I can't see this going well for her either way. If her friends did actually try to betray her, I can see her actually becoming part of the main group.
  16. Majora

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 4 Ch. 24 - The Girlfriend and Her Part 5

    Called it but didn't see that second part coming this fast.
  17. Majora

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - The Girlfriend and Her Part 3

    inb4 this is the second rental girlfriend of the series She knows her because she's top of the charts of the rental site she's also part of blahblahblah.
  18. Majora

    Saenai Kanojo (Heroine) no Sodatekata - Koisuru Metronome - Vol. 9 Ch. 46 - How to Break Down Built Up Hope

    Honestly, whenever outside forces mess with an author's work it really tends to bug me. While we might have interesting things result like the multiple villain changes in the Cell saga result, it usually just results in a worse work and with the author unhappy. I thought MC would at least get...