The two dudes in the background clearly heard their conversation, maybe they're hoping to "accidentally" bump into the girls in Christmas Eve? Haha, I hope it happens, it sounds like it'd be a riot to read.
I always shipped Yamada's brother with the "normal" girl, I guess it's canon now? Man, I would really like to see how the hell he convinced her to go out with him though!
I'm curious as to why Akkun started writing in English all of a sudden. Then again, his brain runs on completely defunct tsundere logic, so the reason is probably ridiculous anyway.
I'm thankful for any translation I can get for Love Lab, but hopefully we'll be able to read everything that happened in-between at some point! Anyways, thanks for the translation, really happy to see someone pick this underrated gem up!
Damn, that girl who confessed to Matsuo was pretty cute. Kinda funny that he got offended for her being confused, but takes no offense at Chio's far harsher reactions. Maybe he just assumes she's a tsundere, which to be fair, she kinda is.
Man, the idea of the protagonist being stuck in someone else's shitty romcom is just too funny. It's so sad that there's two chapters left, but hopefully we can get an ending that is at least somewhat satisfying. Thanks as always for translating!
I was about to point out how similar the siblings are to each other, but I only just now noticed that every single couple in this series consists of a tsundere and a yandere ("yandere" here meaning someone who loves their counterpart totally unconditionally). Though I guess in the case of Akkun...
Great work on the translation, I appreciate seeing the two different versions! My favorite characters are actually the student council, so I hope we'll get to see them make their trip before the series ends (I'm assuming the series will end pretty shortly after graduation).
Whoa, it's already over? I guess I should have seen the signs it was nearing its end, but for some reason I thought it would go on a bit more. Oh well, it was a fine enough manga for what it was, though I will say it's probably my least favorite of Kashima Ui's works. Not saying it was bad or...
Man, this was a fun ride, I'm really gonna miss the frequent updates of this lovely manga. Still, all good things must come to an end, and this was definitely a satisfying ending that fit the snarky tone of this series. Thanks a ton for the translation!