Yankee-kun to Hakujou Gaaru (The yankee on you've read probably)
Yubisaki to Renren (probably the shoujo one you read)
Can't See Can't Hear But Love
Was the emperor supposed to come off as a total asshole? Totally dismissed the abuse his own mother put his son through and his wife who was furious some minutes ago forgives him because he used a cheap pick-up line. What?
Imagine not only being a third wheel, but also having to eat all the excess sexual tension between the two to prevent a natural catastrophe. Faito Mike!!
So you're telling me that Pryde turned into a terrible person because her mother saw in the future that she would turn into a terrible person? Genuinely wonder if her power has ever actually changed something before or if her seeing the future causes the future to happen. Sounds like a pretty...