I live by the "If he's an asshole to others, he'll eventually become an asshole to you" rule. The fact that the prince was originally all happy with flirting with another girl despite having a fiancee and them broke of the engagement and ruined her life when she retaliated makes him a piece of...
@mariaterrae that's what years of abuse can do to your mind. Our minds can regress into a primitive state to protect us from the massive amount of mental damage, and that's probably what has happened here
Calling your wife a reindeer would be rude when coming from any other guy, but when it comes from a guy who loves reindeers to his extent it's the greatest of compliments
Kinda hard to know who are gonna be friends and who are gonna be enemies. Both Ren and the short haired girl are the original Veronica's enemies, so their goals probably align with the MC
Aight, hear me out. I dislike this as much as everyone else, but I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and assume that in the next chapters she will criticize how everyone starts treating her nice now. Might be an interesting message there